The majority of residential development within the Central Area was constructed prior to 1977. However, recent residential developments include 3 townhouse units and 23 single detached residential dwellings. Recent commercial retail developments include the Canadian Tire, Shoppers Drug Mart and Staples developmentsin 2004 and the more recent (2009) redevelopment of the Home Hardware on Tilson Avenue. Wal-Mart Canada has assumed the lease of the former Zellers space in the Tillsonburg Town Centre Mall and it is anticipated that Wal-Mart’s relocation from the Norfolk Mall to the Town Centre Mall will occur in 2012. Heritage: The Central Area of Tillsonburg is home to a number of significant heritage resources, including 10 Places of Worship; 2 Educational Institutions; 3 Cultural Resources; 1 Natural Area and Park; and 3 Plaques and Monuments. A complete Heritage Resource Inventory for Tillsonburg can be found in Appendix E.
A number of major residential development projects have been initiated in Tillsonburg over the past 40 years, including several which cater to a growing seniors population (Hickory Hills - 1985; Baldwin Place – 2001). Throughout the 1990s, local efforts led to the revitalization of Lake Lisgar, with the construction of a gazebo, water fountain and walkways into the lake. In 1994, the Central Area was significantly enhanced with the construction of the Rotary Club Clock Tower, which incorporated a clock from the Town’s former Post Office, and a bell from the demolished Town Hall. The Livingston Centre opened in 1998. Named after notable resident Gerry Livingston, the centre provides a wide range of services to residents of the Town and surrounding area. The Community Centre was refurbished in 2004 with renovations and enlargements of the main ice surface. Future developments include a recently approved retirement home complex, which is planned for construction in late 2012.
E.D. Tillson was elected the first mayor of Tillsonburg in 1872. His father, George Tillson, founded the settlement in 1825.
Annandale House is a national historic site, and the home of the Annandale House Museum.
Brook McIlroy Inc. / McCormick Rankin Co.
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