3.2.3 Articulation&Detailing
main building facade. Blank walls are only appropriate on sites, where a blank wall is constructed to anticipate a future abutting development. Please refer to Section 3.2.6 for more information pertaining to appropriate material treatments. • New buildings, or renovations and additions to contemporary buildings, should generally be designed with continuous facades. • Within the Main Street Area, a significant amount of the building frontage on the ground floor should be glazed (minimum 60%) in order to provide views to indoor uses and to create visual interest for pedestrians. • Clear glass is preferred at-grade to promote the highest level of visibility. • WIthin the Main Street Area, building entrances can be expressed and detailed in a variety of ways including large entry awnings, canopies or double-height glazing.
Façade Articulation • Remaining consistent with the existing articulation found within heritage character buildings will help to promote the area’s fine-grained heritage character by maintaining a rhythm of openings, recesses, projections and vertical and horizontal demarcations. • Within all character areas, where new buildings have frontages over 30 metres long, building massing should be articulated or broken up to express individual commercial or residential units through distinctive architectural detailing. This creates the sense of having multiple buildings along the length of the property. Vertical breaks and stepbacks should also be provided. • Primary building facades should not include blank walls. Blank side wall conditions may be acceptable if treated properly. The mitigate the impact of blank walls, they should be designed with a material finish that complements the architectural character of the
The articulation of a building facades plays a significant role in the pedestrian experience.
Buildings are typically incorporate elements of both vertical and horizontal articulation.
Brook McIlroy Inc. / McCormick Rankin Co.
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