Central Area Design Study

4.2.4 Green Streets

• Connections between existing open spaces, new open spaces and nearby multi-use trail connections should be given Green Street treatments. • Such treatments would transform these connections into tree-lined corridors, creating important visual links and enhancing pedestrian and cyclist connections between areas within and surrounding the Central Area. • Green Streets should incorporate healthy tree planting practices in order to ensure the longevity of trees and the creation of street canopies. Plantings should include double rows of trees on both sides of the street wherever possible, with enhanced landscape treatments where appropriate.

• Green Street treatments are recommended for the length of Rolph Street between Concession and Baldwin Streets; the length of Bridge Street between Rolfph Street and Lisgar Avenue; the length of Lisgar Avenue between Concession and Brock Streets; and the length of Baldwin / Oxford Streets between the western Central Area boundary and Tilson Avenue. All of the above identified street segments are also recommended to accommodate dedicated bicycle lanes, as identified in Section 2.6.1 Pedestrians & Cyclists.

Legend Bicycle Route (Existing) Bicycle Route (Potential) Multi-Use Trail (Existing) Multi-Use Trail (Potential) Mid-Block Connection (Potential) Green Streets (Potential) Natural Open Space System Urban Parkette / Plaza (Existing) Urban Parkette / Plaza (Potential)

Study Area Boundary

Connections between existing open spaces, new open spaces and nearby multi-use trail connections should be given Green Street treatments.


Tillsonburg Central Area Design Study

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