TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
September 1925
captured a desperate guerrilla. He took him back to camp where afterw ards he was. shot. On the way" hack to camp the guerrilla asked fath er to name th e sum of money for a rod or two of a chance for his life, and th a t the money would be forthcom ing. F ath e r told his captive th a t he was in th e employ of Uncle Sam and so could en tertain none of his offers. The believer belongs to the Lord and is employed by Him in His service, and so is in no position to sell out
to the devil and his cohorts. If some will refuse to meet on a basis “according to Christ Jesus,” th a t in no sense con stitu tes a license for th e rest of us to compromise for the sake of peace and meet a t Jericho, and thus cause all to be out of the way: If-w e can not have all where God w ants them to be, then in His name and for His sake, let us have some right, ra th e r than for the sake of peace to have all wrong.
ate ate T he F ish e rm en s C lub o f Long Beach
When the F isherm en’s Club was organized here eight months ago with seven ch arter members, its teacher, Rev. Y. V. Morgan, perhaps did not dream of th e g reat and widespread good the Lord would use it to accom plish. Organized on th e plan of th e Los Angeles F isherm en ’s Club and devoted to Bible study and personal work, it has ' enjoyed steady grow th both in numbers and in knowledge of the rich things in God’s Word. As a
pany P lan t every Thursday noon and more calls are coming in all the time. An unusual opportunity has been opened to the Club due to the persis tent-efforts,f of Mr. Morgan. Fo r six weeks beginning July 19th perm ission has been granted to hold a Service im mediately following th e Sunday a fte r noon Band Concert on th e Amusement Pike. Should these services be well received, as they have been already, th e City Council may make perm anent this splendid use of the Band “ Shell”
w ith its possibility of seed sowing and the reaping of a g reat harvest. Another sphere of influence has been in the Young Peoples’ Societies of the various churches to which the members of the Club belong. I t has •been th e testimony of pastors and young peoples’ leaders th a t the inspi ration of the Club has been brought to the Church work w ith good effect. Summing up, th e F isherm en’s Club has been used of the Lord to win many precious souls, to give the, “G o o d News” to thousands, to make young peoples’ activities in the various churches stronger and more spiritual in purpose, to streng then th e individ ual Christian lives of th e members, and to give convincing proof th a t the Lord Jesus wins and uses young men now ju st as He did when th e first F isherm en’s Club was formed nine teen hundred years ago. Robert Strong, Evangelistic Secy. W hat has behn accomplished by the Long Beach F isherm en’s Club can be accomplished in any community where a competent and consecrated leader can be found for the young men. F u ll inform ation w ith reference to organizing a F isherm en ’s Club will be sent upon request. Address T. C. Horton, 536 S. Hope S treet, Los An geles; California ( F o u n d e r and Teacher of th e F ish erm en ’s Club of Los Angeles.)
Some of the “Fishermen” who conducted the Sunday afternoon meeting, standing in the “Shell” used for Band Concerts.
direct resu lt of the faith fu l p resen ta tion of the Word more th an a dozen young men have, personally received th e Lord Jesus as Saviour during the Club sessions, at one service alone four deciding for Him. The value and influence in the lives of the young men of th is sound Bible teaching has been very manifest, for several have con secrated th e ir lives to full-time Chris tian service and all have received an inspiration th a t has sent them into the g reat field of personal work, a num ber having been won in th is way. This phase of the work— soul-sav- in g S is of course the one we most like to dwell on, besides being th e one best way to judge the work of th e Club. Throughout the month of May -a te n t evangelistic campaign under the aus pices of th e Chub was conducted in E ast Long Beach w ith a t least fifty conversions. Several Gospel meetings have been held a t various churches and missions in addition to an estab lished service held a t the Edison Com
A portion of an audience of over two thousand gathered at the Long Beach pier to hear the Gospel songs and testim onies.
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