I am going to show you how you can make from 3100 to 31000 a month in cash\ - You will be your own boss. You can go to work when you want to. You can quit when you want to. You can set your own hours. You will get your profits in cash every day. You can start without experience, training or capital. And you can earn from 3100 to 31000 a month in this easy, pleasant work. AWonderful New Suit! I have just brought out a wonderful new suit for men. It’s a good suit —stylish, fits fine—and wears like iron. It is made of a marvelous new special cloth that is unusually durable and 1ong-wearing. It withstands treatment that would ruin an ordinary suit. And because these wonderful new suits are so stylish and wear-resisting, they are selling li ke wildfire. Hundreds of men in your territory will snatch at the chance to buy this most amazing suit. A Red Hot Money Maker Does that sound too good to be true? Then read the record of P. L. Hamilton. In less than a month’s time Mr. Hamilton sold 55813 worth of Comer suits. He takes 6, 8, 10 orders at a clip. B. Miller writes: “Suits sell very easily—in fact I find it easy to average one suit order every half hour.” C. H. Mereness made {518 profit in half a day. Robert Rizalda cleared $32 in one day and finds it easy to average 34 an hour. Casey Hurlbut says customers come to his house. He makes as high as {515 an hour. And you have the same opportunity to make this big money right in your own town. Tremendous Demand We are making this wonder suit in tremendous quantities—not one at a time—but by the thousands. All that modern machinery and efficient methods can do to produce big value at small cost is applied in making the new Comer suit. And finally, we are using the same modern efficiency in selling it—direct from factory to wearer through our local representatives. The result is amazing. It brings this suit to the wearer at a price that is revolu tionary—a price that everyone can afford to pay—a price th at makes it the greatest clothing value in years. A M iracle Su it at the Amazing Price of $12.50
Think. 312.50 for a good suit of clothes. You can see immediately that every man is a prospect. A million suits a yeari s our objec tive. Every community in America is swarming with opportunities for sales. And nowi f you are interested i n making money we want to show you how you can make it. We are appointing men in every locality to represent us—to take orders. That’s all. We furnish alii nstructions We de liver and collect. But we must have local repre sentatives everywhere through whom our cus tomers can send us their orders. Experience is not necessary. We want men who are ambitious—industrious and honest. Men who can earn 330 or 340 a day without getting lazy—men who can make 31000 a month and still stay on the j ob. I f you are the right type—you may be a bookkeeper, a clerk, a factory worker, a mechanic, a salesman, a farmer, a preacher, or a
teacher, that makes no difference—the oppor tunity is here and we offerit to you. A Few Hours Spare Time Will Convince You If you feel you want to devote only spare time to the work, that is satisfactory to us. You can earn 310 to 320 a day in a few hours. You will find in a few days thatit will pay you to give this work more time—for your earnings will depend entirely on how many men you see. WRITE TODAY | B H
GIVEN In addition to the big earn ings I have a plan whereby you can get a Chevrolet Coach to help "ou in developing this great business, ail the coupon for full details. I IMPORTANT The Comer Manufacturing Co. is one of the most successful businesses of its kind in the world, with 12 years of experience back of it. It owns and occupies a modern concrete steel building with 65,000 sq. ft. of floor space where it manufactures all of its merchandise. The business has been built on the policy of giving exceptional values to customers, and fair^ square treatment to its re presentatives.
h | are now coming in a flood. Men áre making money faster and easier than they even'hoped. So don’t delay. Writt today for complete descrip tions, samples o f cloth and full information. Do i t now. Don’t send any money. Capital is not required. Just fill out the coupon and mail it for all the.facts. C. E. COMER, Pres., COMER MFC. CO., Dept. 1 0 6 -E, Dayton, Ohio M A I L N O W F O R F U L L D E T A I L S C. E. COMER, Pres., The Comer Mfg. Co., Dept. 106-E, Dayton, Ohio. Please send at once complete details of your new 312.50 suit proposition that offers opportunity for a man without experience or capital to earn as much as 31>000 a month. I understand that this does not obligate me in any way. Name........................................................ ............................................................................................................ Address.........................................,...................•................................... ........................ ......................
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