King's Business - 1925-09

September 1925


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


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refused to swerve from his decision. “ It is the duty of the church people of America to see to it th a t the sanc­ tity of th e Bible' is upheld by the judiciary.”— Exchange. MODERNISM AND OIL ASSAILED IN SERMON In a sermon on the refusal of the Hebrew children to bow down to Nebuchadnezzar’s image, Dr. T. T. Shields, pastor Of the Jarv is S treet Baptist Church, Toronto, Can., preach­ ing last n igh t a t the Church of the Open Door, discussed the subject, “ Is Fosdick’s Modernism to Become the Religioüs D epartm ent of th e Standard O il.Company?” : In th is connection Dr. Shields said: “The modernism of Dr. H arry Emer­ son Fosdick is not only noñ-evangél- ical,'. bu t is essentially anti-Christian in th a t it denies and rejects the super- naturalism of Christianity. T h i s branch of modernism has been repu­ diated by the P resbyterian Church by the expulsion of Dr. Fosdick fro^n one of th eir pulpits, bu t he has now found an asylum in the Baptist denom ina­ tion, which he left to occupy a P res­ byterian pulpit. B u t he comes back dictating terms: Having repudiated th e au tho rity of Scripture, and w ith it the h eart of the Gospel— the super­ n atu ra l b irth and death and resu rrec­ tion of Jesus Christ— he dem ands th a t the ordinance symbolizing th is tru th be set aside, and membership in the church be open to those who will not subm it to any form of baptism . The P ark Avenue Church of New York, of which Mr, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., is the most influential member, has ac­ cepted Dr. Fosdick’s term s, and the Rockefeller-Fosdick p artnersh ip will begin in th e fall of 1926. “A t th e recent meeting of the N orthern B aptist Convention in Seat­ tle; the modernist group under the influence of th e Rockefeller millions, m anipulated the convention w ith a Subtlety and skill th a t th e worst tra d i­ tions of Tammany H all m ight envy, w ith the resu lt th a t the convention re­ fused to disfellowship a church which had openly repud iated every princi­ ple of the Baptist position. The con­ vention, by th e same platform political m anipulation, was made to reject a resolution which aimed to in stru ct the Foreign Mission Board to recall mis­ sionaries holding views which were essentially anti-Christian. A t th is con­ vention the balance of power was exer­ cised by the salaried servants of the denom ination who obeyed the com­ mand of the monied interests. I t is sober tru th to say th a t God was en tire­ ly ruled out of the business discussions of th is body, and obviously Rocke­ feller and not Christ now is the head of the N orthern Baptist Convention.” —News Item.

BOY CRIMINALS BUSY IN CHICAGO Chicago.— “More crimes are com­ m itted by Chicago hoys between the ages of 15 and 20 years in one year than .have been committed in the whole of Europe in 100 years,” Judge Kickham Scanlan of th e Criminal Court told an audience a t a, Y. M. Ci A. branch.—Exchange. BOY HELD ON CHARGE OF ARSON Every normal boy gets a th rill out of seeing th e fire tru ck s go thunder-, ing by, bu t Donald Frowein, 13 years of age, got too much kick out of it, according to charges by police. Donald is said to have adm itted to A ssistant Chief Deputy Sheriff Town­ send yesterday th a t he set eight fiTes to his own home and to homes of neighbors because he liked to see the fire trucks. None of the fires did much damage'. P a rt of a Sunday newspaper found a t the scene of the newest blaze was' traced and the rem ainder of the paper was found under Donald’s bed. Con­ fronted w ith the evidence, Donald ad­ m itted guilt, it was said. Donald is being held and, if the charge is proved tru e, probably will be placed in custody of Juv en ile au tho r­ ities.— News Item. END CRIME CAREER H anford.^-Tw o young men of this city, who tu rned bu rg lars and distri-. buted th e stolen property between this city and Arizona, were arrested late' yesterday afternoon near Corcoran, where they- were riding in a small road ster which they had stolen a t Coa­ chella, R iverside county. Two months ago the store of the H anford H ardw are Company was entered at n igh t and th ree shotguns, two rifles, a number of watches and knives and gun ammunition were stolen. The pair confessed not only to burglarizing the hardw are store, but to stealing the automobile of E arl Lacey of th is city. In Yuma they sold the last of the stolen guns a t a ser­ vice station. The license plates of the Coachella road ster had been thrown away and replaced w ith plates the boys stole from a car in Laton, near hefe, a few days ago.— L. A. Herald. ARIZONA SHER IFF URGES DADS TO STROP SHEIKS The item which follows is espe­ cially apropos to the th ree immedi­ ately preceding. Had th e means of discipline therein advocated been fol­ lowed by th e paren ts of the youths mentioned they m ight have been spared the hum iliation and disgrace which is now theirs: Bisbee, Arlz.-—“W ith a more dili­ gent application of the razor strop

th ere would be less crime,” was de­ clared by Sheriff J. F. McDonald in a late address to the Kiwanis Club. “The g rand fath ers of th e sheiks and flappers of the present genera­ tion knew w hat th e ir sons and daughters were doing afte r school hours, and th a t is more th a n I can say for many of th e mothers and fath ers of today.” The ; Sheriff deplored th e present- day tendency to depend upon the discipline of schools and advocated re tu rn to th e woodshed.—-L. A. Times. DISTINCTLY D IFFERENT The most flagrant and brazen viola­ tions of the prohibition law proceed from precisely th a t class in society which holds itself peculiarly worthy and respectable. It is the class which most bitterly denounces every form of contempt for law save the one toward which its appetite inclines it. The president of Columbia University, for example, has long been famous for his denunciations of every expression of anarchistic thought, however philo­ sophical, and his eulogies of the Con­ stitution. But on th e question of liquor he adopts the anarchistic a tti­ tud e of nullification of th e law and denounces and repudiates th e E ight­ eenth Amendment as if it were no p a rt of the fundam ental law of the land.S-News Dispatch. ¡JUDGING A JUDGE Medford, O re g o n .^ T h a t our nation is in as g reat a peril as was Rome fifty years before the E tern al City fell, was the statem en t of A ttorney Griffith Jones of Los Angeles in an address delivered in the F irs t P resbyterian Church here. Judges who fail to up­ hold th e sanctity of the Bible, he said, are a menace to the sp iritual life of the nation. “Unless a regard for Jesus Christ and respect for the Holy Bible is incul­ cated into the youth of our land, the United States will fall as did Home,” declared Mr. Jones. “Our financial condition was never so sound. We have much to boast of, but our sp irit­ ual power is a t a low ebb. “When a judge of the Superior Court of Los Angeles county can say from' the bench th a t an ath eist makes as good a guardian as a Christian, and th a t a man who denies the existence of God and the deity of Jesus Christ, is as miich entitled to the custody and care of a child as is a member of any church, we well may trem ble for the fu tu re of th e land we all dearly love. “R up ert Hughes was appointed guardian of Marshall Ricksen, bro ther of the late film star, Lucille RickSen. It was brought out, th rough cross- exam ination of R up ert Hughes, th a t he has no respect for the Bible, or for God or Jesus Christ, bu t th e judge

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