September 1925
her Bible now, and no m a tte r how tired she is, she will not go to bed until she has,read her chapter and had p rayer.” We w ant to praise the Lord also for th e wonderful way the girls are doing personal work among th e ir friends. Several of them are planning for ser vice on th e Foreign Mission field and are beginning now to lay up for them selves treasu res in Heaven. One of the girls said, “ I don’t w ant to w ait un til I get to the. field to;;Serve th e Lord; I w ant to begin now.” She has won sev eral souls for Christ and it is beautiful to see her joy and enthusiasm in the Lord’s work. R8|H ' g §5» WORK IN THE SHOPS Marion H. Reynolds, Supt.— M eetings Held in Shops, Factories, Car-Barns and Fire-Engine Houses in Los Angeles. H E have been having splendid meetings and a continuing in te rest in all the work, locally, hu t let us tell you of the most recent event which causes us to say, “ P raise the L o rd !” Leaving here late one Sunday even ing on th e Union Pacific, we left for w hat proved to be one of th e best trips we have ever taken. No, it wasn’t a vacation trip. I t was a trip made th a t we m ight preach the Gospel to thousands of shop men as yet un reached. Our first stop was a t Salt L ake City, and from th e moment we began to speak un til th e end not a soul tu rned away. W hat was tru e of th is shop was1 tru e of every shop visited. So eager were th e men for the message, and the Gospels, th a t we soon had given all our lite ra tu re away and had to send more to be distributed to the men, by the officials themselves. We spoke in the shops a t Seattle, Spokane and Portland, in fact every division point except one or two on the main line. Do we expect to go back? Yes, if in terest and tim e perm it. Over th ree thousand Gospels and as many tracts and Railroad songs were left for the men to read. Aside from th is in teresting hit of work, we met some th irty -fou r form er studen ts a t Seattle, and there, w ith Mr. Hale, A ssistant Superintendent of the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles, who was also in th e city attend ing the meeting of th e B aptist Bible Union, we enjoyed a tim e of real fellowship. Let us tell you of a carpenter who lay sick on the bed in a home near where we held one of our shop meet ings. By request we called to see him. Glad to see us? Yes. Glad to h ear a message from th e Book? Yes. Glad to know the plan of salvation, as re- (Continued on page 406)
th an th e closing moments, before th e bugle sounded fo rth th e strains, of some loved hymn telling it was tim e for lights to he out, to h ear in every te n t the voice of prayer or praise from young h earts overflowing w ith love for Him. The conference overj more th a n one girl went home to ask fo r the Sunday School class she had refused to take because she didn’t w ant to he tied down or bothered w ith it. Others a t once found some definite work to do for th e ir Lord in th e ir home church. The testim ony of h earts on fire for Him is being felt in all the Clubs by those who were fo rtun ate enough to be able to attend. On . all sides one hears, “I am going to begin rig h t now to plan and pray th a t I may be able to go next year.” Euodia Summer Activities “Now unto Him who, through H is power which is at work within us, is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all our highest prayers or thoughts— to Him be all glory.” As school closes and the Euodia classes also close for th e summer months, and we look hack over the y ear’s work, we can tru th fu lly say th a t He has done exceeding abundantly beyond all our highest prayers o r thoughts. A lthough we do not meet the girls in th e classes d u rin g :the summer we are perm itted to keep in touch w ith them in various ways. Many of the girls have been coming to th e teach e r’s home during th e vacation tim e and we have Had blessed prayer times together and also such wonder ful times searching His Word. Only yesterday one of the girls said “ I don’t know what I would have done if it h adn ’t been for Euodia, where I learned th a t I could go to the Lord w ith everything in prayer, and, oh, how wonderful He is to h ear and answer our p rayers.’’ Another girl came over to tell me about an answer to prayer. She said, “ Ju st think, a year ago I would have though t it foolish to have taken such little things to God in prayer the way I do now, bu t oh, I am so happy in Him now.” Every day the girls are Climbing new heights, and coming closer and closer to Him. Several of the classes are reading the New Testam ent through this sum mer and comm itting th e ir favorite verses to memory. It keeps one ra th e r busy answering the telephone, for they all w ant to tell, a couple of times a week, how many chapters they have read and what th eir favorite verse is. Several of the girls came over last week to ask a lo t of questions about some chapters they didn’t understand. The mother of one of the girls came to express her th ank s for w hat Euodia had done for her girl. She said, “I wish you could see the way she reads
BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK M rs. Lyman Stewart, Supt. -Twenty-five Women Engaged in House to House Personal "Work, .Bible Classes and Soul W inning Clubs. A Lyceum -Eteri Conference ■ HE F ou rth Annual Summer Conference of the Lyceum- E teri Cluhs convened a t the Pacific Palisades Ju ly 6-12. About two hundred girls .gathered, though some of them were unable to get away from business for th e whole week. Some were so eager to attend th a t they came from work in tim e for th e evening sessions,, re tu rn in g to th e city early each morning. The afternoons were packed full of fun and recreation which all enjoyed to the full, bu t it was the tim e spent ■over th e Book and in fellowship wii,h her Lord th a t each of these wide aw ake, normal girls delighted in most a n d spoke of most frequently after th e Conference. All through the week g irls were su rrendering th e ir lives to th e Lord, quietly, eith er while a mes sage was being given or off in some q u ie t spot alone w ith God. • A number accepted Christ as per sonal Saviour and many were added to the Life Service "Volunteer hand, pledging th e ir lives to God for ser vice whereyer He sends— some even putting in th eir application before leaving the grounds to en ter the Insti- tu te .th e coming year for train ing for life service. One of the precious hours o f th e conference was a Sunrise ser vice on Peace Hill of the Life Service Volunteers, remembering a t the Throne tho se who have already gone from th e ir hand to the far off corners of the ea rth to serve, rejoicing w ith tho se who are in training, or about to go into training, looking forward eag erly to the field, at the same tim e real izing th a t God had as definitely called some to rem ain in business bu t re membering th a t the responsibility of service rested as tru ly on them th ere a s if they were in any other p a rt of the field. The mornings were given over to devotional messages, Bible Study and m issionary addresses. A poster class in th e late afternoon gave many sug gestive helps in the line of attractiv e Club advertising and in th e evening all gathered in an inform al group before th e ir ten ts for the Tw ilight Hour w ith a h eart-to -h eart ta lk and occasionally a m issionary pageant, fol lowed by a testimony meeting in which many a girl found her voice for Him for th e first tim e and in the deep ening darkness, the presence of others forgotten, many a h ea rt battle was fought and victory won or a h eart was touched th a t in a quiet walk and talk w ith another girl or worker afte r the meeting, surrendered to Him. No th in g was sweeter all through the day
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