King's Business - 1925-09



September 1925

11 Pointers for Preachers and Teachers ( H o m i l e t i c a 1 H e l p s )


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THE CHRISTIAN’S WALK Walk In light. 1 John 1:7. Walk in love. Eph. 5:2. Walk in good works. Eph. 2:10. W alk circumspectly. Eph. 5:15. : — Exchange. SALVATION Threefold: Past, present, future. P ast— from sin ’s penalty; 2 Pet. 2:24. Present-1—from sin ’s power; Heb. 7: 25. F u tu re— from sin ’s presence; Rev. 21:4,— Selected. PEACE 1. Peace' BELOW: “Peace on e a rth ” (Luke 2 :1 4 ). 2. Peace ABOVE:1 ‘P e a c e in heaven” (Luke 19 :38 ). 3. Peace WITHIN: “Peace unto you” (Luke 2 4 :3 6 ).— Selected. AGAINST AND FOR GOD 1. Union in the FLESH : ; “All one language” (Gen. 11 :6 ). 2. Union in the SPIRIT: “His own language”. (Acts, 2 :6 ). 3. Union in th e G L O R Y : “All tongues” (Rev. 7 :9 ).— The Christian. CONVERSION 1. A Radical Change (2 Cor. 5 :1 7 ). 2. A Spiritual Change (John 3 :1 6 ). 7. Manner (Acts 1 6 :3 1 ).— Selected. NEW OR FRESH THINGS WE NEED Job 29:20 1. F resh oil of th e Spirit. Psalm 92:10. 2. A new supply of light from God’s Word every day. Num. 9:8. 3. New ears to hear every day. Isa. 50:4. 4. New or fresh supply of th e w ater of life every day. Isa. 27:3. 5. A new supply of God’s power. 2 Cor. 4 :16,-H^Preachers’ Magazine. THE CONVERSION OF ZACCHEUS Luke 19:1-10 I. He Sought Jesus (v. 3). 1. Obstacles. (1) Individual-—“ little .” (2) Public—“-“ the1press.” ; “ Seek, and ye shall find” (Matt. 7: 7 b ). II. He Believed Jesus (vs. 5, 6). Jesus said: “Today I m ust abide at thy house.” “He (believed) made haste and came down.”— F a ith set in action. III. He Received Jesus (v. 6). “ Joyfully” (John 1 :1 2 ). IV. He Confessed Jesu s (v. 8). 1. -“Lord’#i-hy mouth1— (Rom. 10: 10 ) . 2. “ I give to the poor.” V. He Possessed Jesus (v. 9). Jesus attests it. “This day is salva­ tion come to this house.”— D.J.U. 3. God’s Gift (Tit. 3 :5 ). 4. Necessary (John 3 :3 ). 5. Commanded (Acts 3 :19 ). 6. Evidence (Matt. 7 :2 0 ). '

“I W ILL SEE YOU YET AGAIN” W hat a sweet, refreshing promise To His loved ones in th eir pain, Comes the cheering words of Jesus— “ I will see you yet again.” THE WORTHY WALK OF THE BELIEVER 1. As a Child in a fam ily (Rom. 8: 15). 2. As a Servant in a house (Col. 3: 24). , 3. As a Disciple in a school (Luke 10 :39 ). 4. As a P artn er in the work (2 Cor. 6:1),. 5. As a Pilgrim in th e ’wilderness (Heb. 1 1 :13 ). : 6. As a W itness in th e world (Acts 1 : 8 ). 7. As a Worshipper in th e Church. (John 4 :2 4 )B—The Christian. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE j^^K T o enter heaven w ithout being born again. John 3:3, 5; 1 Pet. 1:23; T itus 3:5. 2. To en ter the kingdom in any other way th a n by the door (Jesus is the do.or). John 10:7, 9. 3. To be saved w ithout the shed­ ding of blood. Heb. 9: 22. 4. To he saved w ithout believing in 'C h rist. John 14:6. 5. To be saved afte r th is life. Luke 16:26; Eccl. 11:3. 6. To neglebt salvation and be saved. Heh. 2:3. 7. To believe in Christ and tru st Him and not he saved. Acts 16:31; Isa. 45:22; Mark 16':16; John 1:12. ' 8. F o r God to lie. Num. 23:19; Heb. 6 :1 8H -P reach ers’ Magazine. THE CONDITION AND FATE OF UNBELIEVERS As Suggested in 1 P ete r I . . They are ignorant, 1:14; 2:15. 2. They are in darkness, 2 :9 ; see Eph. 5:8. 3. They are unjust, 3:18. 4. They are disobedient to God, 2: 8; 4:17; see Eph. 2 :2 ; 5:6. 5. They live in vanity, 1 :18 ; see Eph. 4:17.' 6. They live to fulfill the n atu ral desires, 1:14; 4 :3 ; see Eph. 2:3. 7. They reject God’s chosen refuge, 2:4, 8. 8. They persecute the saints, 2:12, 20; 3:14, 16; 4:4, 14. 9. They shall w ither as grass, 1: 24. 10. They have not God’s favor, 3: 12; see Eph. 2:3, la st clause. I I . They shall give account to God, 4 :5 .' 12. Their fate a t the judgm ent will be unspeakable, 4:17, 18. Who will tell them Christ died, the ju st for the un ju st, to bring them to God, and th a t He alone is the Rock of salvation? 1 Pet. 3:18; see Acts 4:11, 12.— The Gospel Message.

WHY STUDY THE WORD? It is th e T ruth. John 17:17. It is inspired. 2 Tim. 3:16. It-is a command. 2 Tim. 2:15. By it we are horn again. 1 Pet. 1 : 23.-—Evangelistic Review. CHRIST’S GIFTS TO HIS PEOPLE John 17. This prayer opens to us a View w ithin the, veil, w hither the fo rerun ­ ner is for us entered, and shows us the n atu re of our High P rie st’s perpetual m inistry of intercession. The frequent recurrence of thq word “ give” sug­ gests the following line of study. He gives us-—■ 1. T h e’ life He h a s ,, 5 :2 ; 1 John 5:11, 12; Col. '3: 3. 2. The tru th H è .has, 5 :8 ; Psa. 24: 14; John 1 6 :Ì4 , 15. : 3. The joy He has, 5:13; John 15: 11; John 1:4. 4. The glory He has, 5:22; Rom. 8: 17; 1 Thess. 2:14. 5. Thq place He has, 5:24. Heaven anywhere w ith Him, 2 Cor. 5 :8 ; Rev. 7 :7 ; 22:3, 4. 6. The love He has, 5:26. Through Him, th a t love flows to us. Compare 5:23 last clause. 7. Himself (5 :2 4 ). “ Is in th em ” is the crown and consummation of all. Gen. 15:1; P s a |'l7 :2 5 ; 18-:4. —W. H. M. SOME ERRORS OF ROMANISM Rome violates the Scripture,—• (•l ) In applying th è term “F a th e r” to a cértain class, Matt. 23:9. (2) In unduly magnifying Mary, the mother of Jesus, Matt. 12:46,50. (3) In prayers to the saints, 1 Tim. 2:5. ( 4 ) In its teaching concerning pur­ gatory, 2 Cor. 5:6-9; Heb. 1 :3 ; Phil. 1:23. (5) In its teaching concerning the Lord’s- Supper,— transuhstant-iation, 1 Cor. 10:3, 4; John 6:48. Keeping the cup from the laity, Matt. 26:27; John 6:53. (6) In exercising lordship over the saints, Mark 10:42, 43; 1 Pet. 5 :3 ; i Cor. 8:5, 6. (7) In failure to subm it to au tho r­ ity, 1 P eter 2:13, 14; Rom. 13:1-4. ( 8 ) In establishing an earth ly kingdom, John 18:36. ( 9 ) In preaching in an unknown tongue, 1 Cor. 14:11, 15, 19. (10) In refusing to give the people the Bible, Acts 17:11. (11) In perform ing all th e ir ritu a l­ istic services on a cash basis, Rev. ■22:17.- (12) In making saints for cash, Acts 20:32; Eph. 1 :1 ; Phil. 1:1., (13) In worshipping images, Ex. 20:4, 5. (14) In forbidding the, priests to marry, 1 Tim. 4:3. (15) In multiplying holy days, Gal. 4:9, 10.— Selected.

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