September 1925
Some graduates of the Lebanon H igh School and Bible Training Institute, under the auspices of the Bible Lands Gospel M ission, Mt. Lebanon, Syria. THE GOSPEL IN BIBLE LANDS
spite of the fact th a t th e last com mission of our Lord to His disciples was to witness for Him in “ Jerusalem , in all Judea, and .in t S am aria” and then, “ to the u tterm o st p art of the earth .” The Bible Lands Gospel Mission was founded by Mr. and Mrs, V a rta n At- chinak, seventeen years ago, and has done a wonderful work. They are needing the help of God’s people for the support of twenty-five m issionaries and workers,; and for sustaining the school of over 250 boys and girls, some of them orphans o£?’Armenian and Syrian Christians. • W rite fo r fu rth e r ’inform ation to Bible Lands Gospel Mission, 113 F u l ton Street, New York City, or to P a cific Coast Council, Wm. A. Fisher, Secretary and T reasurer, 536 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, California. EVANGELISTIC DEPARTMENT - (Continued from page 397) vealed in th e Word? Certainly. And as we told it th ere th a t day we saw a man born into th e kingdom and made glad for etern ity . Is there anything th a t can equal a work such as this? If so, we have never found it and we rejoice w ith you all; in th a t we can he about our F a th e r’s business. SPANISH WORK Robert H. Bender, Supt.— Gospel Meetings and H ouse to House Work among 50,000 Mexicans in Los Angeles and V icinity. “Preach the Word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with ail longsuffering and doctrine.” |E consider it a great privilege to preach . the Word. Our meetings a t th e Plaza have been very fru itfu l. We have had from fiYe to fifteen con versions each time- Then, too, in some of our colonies we have been having conversions rig h t along, for all of which we th a n k God and tak e courage.
An individual Christian, or a Sun day School class, or th e entire Sunday School, may have th eir own sub stitu te preaching th e Gospel in th e .historic lands of the Bible, through the work of the Bible Lands Gospel Mission, w ith headqu arters a t Mt. Lebanon, Syria. These lands contain 40 million Mohammedans, 10 m illion Greek and Roman Catholics, half a m illion Jews and a qu arter of a m illion devil wor shippers and other heathen cults, in
ant pastors» speed up c h u r c h work. Our co-operative plan pro vides your church w ith a parish paper at no expense. National Religious Press, Grand Rapids, Mich. Send me free particulars and samples without any obligation on my part. Name ...................____________ Street __............................................... City ..................:___ _______________ K. B.— SE P T .
Announcing Jehovah’s Praise A N e w Song Book “ Quality n T o th e G e n e ra l P u b lic :
T h is is to a n n o u n c e th e in itia l a p p e a ra n c e of a n e sp ecially e d ite d a n d co m p iled so n g b o o k , w o rk of P ro fs. R e y n o ld s a n d M cK in n ey , S ch o o l o f G o sp el M usic, S o u th w e ste rn S em in ary . T h e se w rite rs o f w id e e x p e rie n c e in th e field of sa c re d m u sic h av e so u g h t to elim in a te th e w a ste fe a tu re a n d to give to th e p u b lic a n a d a p ta b le se le c tio n e sp ecially su ite d fo r c h u rc h a n d e v an g elistic w o rk . O ld s ta n d a rd se le c tio n s a re e m b ra c e d , a n d th e r e a re m a n y n e w so n g s n e v e r b e fo re p u b lish e d as w ell as solos, d u ets, q u a rte ts, etc. T o b e h a d in ro u n d o r sh a p e d n o tes, c lo th o r m an ila b in d in g . S en d u s y o u r o rd e r. W ill m ail sa m p le w h en re q u e ste d . Express By Mail N ot Prepaid Postpaid Hundred Dozen Dozen Copy Full Cloth Board.......$40.00 $5.00 $5.80 50c High Grade Manila.. 25.00 3.60 4.00 35c O R D E R F R O M SOUTHWESTERN PRESS
L. A. MYERS, Business Mgr.
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