September 1925
TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
TWoGreat BooKs t'la t fill th e Music Needs o f Every Church, Bible School or .Revival They will bring you new inspiration and fresh courage. Song leaders pronounce them nearly perfect. Tabernacle Hymns No.2—320. pages — 351 songs, a ll' gem s of the ages. Per 100 copies, Manila, $25. Full Cloth $40. Art Buckram $50. Greatest Hymns—352 pages, 427 hymns. Combination of gospel songs and standard hymns. Per 100copies, Blue Vellum Paper $35. Silk Basket Cloth $60. Superfine Silk, Gold Stamped $85. SendCOUpOnsampleCopill Published by
Recently it was our privilege to have a service in Fillmore. On our re tu rn we' passed th rough P iru and called on some believers. While there we were told w hat th e p riest had to say aboqt us the n igh t before a t the Catholic Church, which of course was crowded. Among other things, he cautioned the people, th a t they should not receive our tracts and if they did to burn them up; also, th a t th e P ro testan t Bible was incomplete, a book made by m an; th a t th e Catholic Relig ion was the oldest religion. And, fin ally, th a t if any disobeyed his (the p riest’s) instructions they would be excommunicated from the Church. Thus you see th a t Rome is ju st the same as ever a t heart. We are glad to say th a t our Bible class men in Mexico are doing a good work in the M aster’s vineyard. One of them is a t th e head of a church w ith sixty members and also has sev eral sm aller placés to look after. Another bro ther also has a 'little church w ith about forty members. These ’two men are giving all th eir time to the Lord’s work. Another bro th e r is giving p a rt tim e and yet has th ree services- a week. ThenSga few days ago, ano ther member of our class retu rn ed to Mexico w ith the same pur- poseîlp-to preach th e Gospel to his countrymen. Our Bible' class sends lite ra tu re to all these men and occa sionally we send them an offering. We would be glad to have anyone who reads th is article fellowship w ith us in th is work of the Lord for th e Mex icans. St» (¿Sr BIOLA HALL WORK David, Cant, Supt.— Our City M ission for Men in the center' of Los Angeles. Meetings con- tiiruous from 10 a. m. to 10 p . m. Noon-day Prayer Meeting. H UEER things one is often times; called upon to do in the continuous., f search for m aterial w ith which to fill Heaven’s “many mansions.” Queër placés one must pen etrate and queerer experiences, full of humor, pathos and tragedy, hu t when finally the precious is brought fo rth from the vile, what a joy th ere must be up there when' all “ the ransomed sons of God are saved, to sin no m ore!” • There’s a little chap who camps out on the d esert; occasionally’he drifts into civilization, and then in dire dis tress he drops into Biola Hall, usually so ta tte re d and to rn and in rags we wonder how he manages to. get by the cops, and while he sits wrapped in a blanket, wé are busy, patching, mend ing and darning, washing, scrubbing, — till his clothes are all clean and pressed. These little acts of kindness many times produce an' open door for the message of grace, and when finally he asked for a Bible all for himself, and we pointed Christ to him as per sonal Saviour we felt more th a n repaid for what had proved anything hu t a delightful occupation. A notable illu stration of answered prayers is recalled of one who a few weeks ago surrendered himself to the Lord afte r weeks of unceasing ^effort to be rein stated w ith th e corporation who had let him go for a good cause.
THE Compan ion B ib le A Self-Explanatory Bible for all Readers E v e r y S tu d e n t N e e d s It 44 It-is not only a book
tobe upon every pr ach- er s desk but should be in the hands of every Sunday .School teacher and all who wish to get at the exact meaning of the Bible text.” '—Christian Work The A p p e n d ix e s In v a lu a b le 4 It is the most con densed piece of Biblical and literary work we have noticed anywhere butside of the B ib le
Tabernacle Pub lishing Company Room 115 2 8 S . L aSalle S t ., C h icago, 111. Also F. O. B. following distributors: GOODENOUGH & WOGLOM, N ew York BIOL.A BOOK ROOM, L os A ngeles M ail to N earest Office (D ept, US Gentlemen: _Please send me for,30 days triai sample copy of Greatest Hymns and Tabernacle Hymns No. 2 in., binding. Name............................. Address..................!............... City............................ Full Gospel Sunday School Supplies The paper for every member of your Sunday School. Five or more copies, i 8 c each per quarter. Joy Bells For the boys and girls of the Primary Department. Five or more copies 9 c each per quarter. Senior Full Gospel Quarterly An exposition of the International Sunday School course that is safe and scriptural. Five or more to same address, 9 c each a quarter. Intermediate Full Gospel Quarterly For young people between the ages of 12 - 17 . Five or more to same address, 8 c a quarter. Junior Full Gospel Quarterly For young people below the age of twelve. Five or more to the same address, 7 c each a quarter PICTURE LESSON CARDS PICTURE LESSON ROLLS LESSON LEAFLETS S am plea o f o u r q u a rterlie s a n d p a p ers se n t on req u est THE CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE PUBLISHING CO. 260 W est 44th St. New York City
itself. The Appendixes are of value beyond comparison.”— The Herald o f Gospel Liberty. K n o w le d g e o f H e b r e w and G r e e k U n n e c e s s a r y 4 It is so arranged that one without any knowl edge of Hebrew andGreek can get a vastamount of help that experts get in their studies from these languages.”— Christian Index. The Companion Bible is now issued com plete in one volume o f 2154 pages on thin paper, in cloth and leather binding. Send for descriptive circular Oxford University Press, American Branch 35 W. 32nd Street, New York City For Missions and Other Church Benevolences Hundreds of Christian Endeavor, Mis sionary arid other church societies have added $ 100.00 or more to their treasury by selling Christmas Cards. Nearly every fam ily uses from 50 to 200 Christmas Greeting Cards, seals, enclosure cards, tags, etc. They would rather buy from the members of your society than in the rush of a store. Mrs. Black’s Christmas Cards and Gift Novelties are of the finest sentim ents, art engraving and stock of cards, paper, etc. Simply show the book of samples and take orders. These cards and novelties sell them selves. 100% Profit— No Capital Required One-half of all the money is yours as profit. You pay for the cards you have delivered and collected For complete inform ation send coupon now. EUGENIE D. BLACK 117 South St. Harrisburg, Pa. Dear Mrs. Black: Send me complete in formation about your church and society fund raising plan. Name .'...Vji’-i 2 .. . . i l ......:.... L-... ....... Address .............................................. ......__ Society ........V..--.------- ---Pastor _____________ THE HARVEST TRULY IS PLENTEOUS In various parts of the world a N ative Trained Christian may be supported in the work of God for an entire year for from $15. to $600. Literature free. PAUL H. TABER, Sec., Box K, 2007 Foster Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. More Money
Pipe-Tone Folding Organs 4-O ctave Double Reed In order to introduce our La te st Model Liberty Pipe-Tone Folding Organs either leatherette covered, or 3 -ply oak case. W e will iccep t for a lim ited tim e rrders a t $40.00 each (list price $70.00.) A. L. WHITE N FS. CO. 205 Englewood Ave., Chicago, III.
OB JECT L E S SO N S OF S C R IP TU R E “THE LITTLE HANDMAIDS OF THE BIBLE" Twelve pamphlets. Illustrated. No. I to 12. 12 Object Lessons in Each Pamphlet. The set of 12 , $1.60. postage prepaid. Price 15 cts. each, postage 2 cents extra. Order by number. REV. C. EICKENBERG, 4029 N. Herm itage Ave., Chieage, 11L
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