King's Business - 1925-09



September 1925

He came to us for counsel. We sug­ gested prayer as a means of opening the door for reinstatem ent. S trength­ ened in th is he again applied and was tu rn ed down w ithout the chief even lifting his eyes. As he was nearing the door he caught the eyes of the big man and noticed a quick change come over his face. A fter a moment’s hesi­ tancy he said, “You somehow look dif­ ferent. I believe afte r all you would make good if I gave you ano ther chance,’’ and tak ing down the receiver he called th e Division Superintendent and inquired if he needed an extra man. Evidently he couldn’t or would­ n ’t for the Chief answered “Oh! well, I guess an extra man will come in handy,” and signing a card he handed it to my man, who hastily retu rned w ith new hope to Biola H all to tell how-God answers prayer when offered up in the name of Him who said “ if ye shall ask anything in My Name it shall he done, th a t th e F ath e r may be glor­ ified in the Son.” persecuted pilgrim . Here and. th ere a blasphemer is silenced, a doubt cleared, and souls are made happier by our visit. Occasionally we meet a sailor who has a Bible placed in valise^, sea bag or trunk , by a mother,- sister, sweet­ h ea rt or friend when he left home. Sitting on the edge of his bunk we ask for the privilege of m arking some pas­ sages for him, then, w ith colored pen­ cil in hand, line upon line, precept upon precept, we teach God’s plan of salvation. Quite recently ju st such an experience was enjoyed as a couple of sailor boys were led into the light. On another boat, th is one an oiler^ a half hour was spent w ith the radio operator. Like many though tfu l sail­ ors Who have been privileged to sail around the globe, he had been com­ paring Christianity w ith the religions of the world. The n a tu ra l man, blinded by the god of th is age, is ever showing sp iritual ignorance by a t­ tempting to place Christianity in the same class w ith religions of men. We told him th ere were only two religions in the world, th e tru e and the false. God’s revelation was th e tru e, and all other systems, theories, or philoso­ phies which were no t a direct revela­ tion from Him were th e false. This clear, we pointed him to the necessity of individual regeneration which any man who willed to do God’s will m ight receive by faith in th e virgin-born, crucified, risen, exalted, retu rn ing Christ Jesus our Lord. We reg ret th a t immediate decision was delayed, yet we know th a t “no word of God is void of power,” and “will accomplish the thing whereunto He has sent it.” We th a n k our readers for th eir con­ tinued prayers and we tru st they will continue this fellowship. SEAMEN’S DEPARTMENT Claude H. Pearson, Supt.— Our Workers board all vessels in the port of San Pedro, holding Gospel Services and D istributing Literature. ANY and varied are our expe­ riences on the vessels. Now and then a word of encour­ agement is given and a prayer offered to help some

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