King's Business - 1925-09

September 1925




This question was the subject of seven debates between th a t peerless “Defender of the F a ith ,” Dr. W. B. Riley, P asto r of th e F irst Baptist Church, Minneapolis, and Executive Secretary of the Christian Fundam en­ tals Association,— and the advocates of evolution, chief of whom was Dr. Maynard Shipley, P residen t of th e Science .League of America. Reference was made editorially in the August issue to the resu lt of the debate held in Los Angeles on June 19, in accordance w ith th e agreement between Dr. Riley and Professor Shipley, resu lting in an overwhelming victory for fundamentalism . In spite of his defeat, however, Dr. Shipley consented to again meet Dr. Riley in his (Shipley’s) own home town of Oakland, California, bu t with the same resu lt, after which th e sci­ en tist refused to go on to Portland and Seattle. Nevertheless, Dr. Riley carried out his p art of th e program by meeting and defeating other evolu- tionlsts, not only in, the cities named, bu t in th ree others as well— as stated, sevep. in all. In this connection, it will be of in terest to our readers to know what Dr. R iley’s purpose was in engaging in this, service, as expressed in his own magazine, “F undam entals in School and Church,” from which we quote: “W h ile : in California last w inter, the editor (Dr. Riley) challenged any one of, nine university presidents to meet him in debate as to the teaching of evolution in th e State schools. His challenge was not accepted by any one of them, but was accepted by Prof. Linsley, of Mills College, who later— and only 24 hours before the time set for the debate-S|backed down. But while Prof. Linsley refused to meet us, the throngs th a t came to hear even one side of th e intended debate could not be housed in the g reat Bible In sti­ tu te auditorium , the largest audience room in Los Angeles. “A fter his re tu rn to the East, th e editor heard th a t Maynard Shipley, president of the Science League of America, had challenged Messrs. Nich­ ols and Baker, of San Francisco, to debate w ith him, and he therefore immediately wrote to Dr. Shipley to find out if he would meet him and received an affirmative reply. Dates were subsequently arranged as fol­ lows: Los, Angeles, Jun e 19; Oakland, Jun e 21; Portland, June 23; and Seat­ tle,. June 24. “ In the challenges which the editor has made, he has laid down but a sin­ gle condition; viz.; th a t the audiences

should be perm itted to be the judges upon th e m erits of the debate, “His reasons for this are (1) when th ree judges are selected they are uni­ form ly of fixed opinions, and the one man selected by th e other two d eter­ mines the debate, which is much more likely to be determ ined upon his fixed opinions th an upon t h e ; argum ents advanced. (2) He has been anxious to find out the real feeling of the citi­ zenship of America upon this subject. (3) A public vote rs really the only judgm ent th a t has any meaning, for we are not there to convince one man, or three, bu t the tens of thousands who will gather. “ In face of the fact th a t the g reat stud en t body of N orthern California has been ta u g h t th is theory un til the m ajority of them have accepted it as fact, and the fact th a t th e editor labors under the handicap of being a stra n ­ ger and a remote outsider, such Con­ fidence does he en tertain in the sound­ ness of his position th a t he has un­ shaken confidence th a t the tru th will win w ith th e audiences who hear these debates.” ' , We could wish th a t space would perm it us to present Dr. R iley’s open­ ing argum ent, verbatim , and perhaps

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