King's Business - 1925-09



September 1925

a t some fu tu re tim e we-will do so; bu t the main points made by him were as follows: “Evolution is a speculation and no t a science. “Its term s of hum an history are as grossly u n tru e as its explanation of hum an kind. “This theory h as no kinship w ith th e saered Scriptures. This is amply proven by th e statem en t of Dr. Ship- ley a t th e in itial m eeting of th e ‘Sci­ ence League of America,’ as follows: ‘The earn est prim ary aim is to keep evolution in th e public school, and to keep th e Book of Genesis as a counter explanation as to m an’s origin, out of th é school.’ ‘"The disciples of th is Darw inian doctrine commonly dispense w i t h Scripture. “The la st and worst effect of th is theory is anarchy in government. * * * When th e God of o u r fath e rs is de­ th ron ed and th e m oral codes of th e Bible are no longer held to be binding, th e effect fo r us will parallel th a t th rough which F rance passed during th e R evolution.” Let eyery loyal lover of the tru th be much in prayer th a t God will open the way for Dr. Riley to go to all the large centers in this country and meet these enemies of God and our country in public debate. The splendid suc­ cess which attended his presentation of facts against this dangerous fallacy is positive proof th a t if these facts can but be placed before the intelligent citizens of this country the doom of evolution is séàled, so far as its being tau g h t in tax-supported schools is con­ cerned. SHALL WE PART WITH JOHN THREE SIXTEEN? (Continued from page 391) Third Objection But the th ird line of attack is the most subtle and far-reaching of all, revealing w ith singular clearness how close to the citadel of sevangelical tru th is the, fact of the V irgin B irth of our Lord. It is a t th is point th a t the Modernist viewpoint meets a m ighty b arrier and the entire assumption of the n atu ra l p atern ity of Christ is chal­ lenged by a heaven given F A C T . Christ is presented no t alone as the sole hope of sinful men but as THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD*. Christ is. therefo re God’s S o n - divine. He is God’s ONLY Son— exclusive, unique, not adm itting of another son or sons. He is God’s only BEGOTTEN SON— supernatu rally gen­ erated and brought fo rth as foreshad­ owed in prophecy and revealed in the Scriptures. This record is either tru e or false. If it is tru e, then Christ * B e g o tte n : (M o n o g e n e s) “o n ly b o rn .” S ee a ls o J o h n 1:14, 18; 3:18.

Jesus was divinely begotten and born of th e V irgin Mary. If not we must p a rt forever w ith John 3:16 as unhis- toric, unreliable, untrue. The F in al Objection The final assault is directed a t the principle of a saving faith which this “m iniature Gospel” reveals: “GOD * * * *GAVE”— thu s Calvary looms into view. The beloved Son was to rn from the bosom of th e F ath e r and offered upon a cross of ignominy and shame, as an atoning sacrifice for sins not His own. To all of this, L iberal­ ism objects th a t th ere was no such transaction, th a t He died a m arty r and th a t th ere is no saving efficacy in the blood which He shed. Thus the issue is joined once more. But if God GAVE His only begotten Son to die for our Sins, then the ground of saving faith is clearly estab­ lished and “ eternal life” is assured. Again, if those who exercise th is sav­ ing faith “SHOULD NOT PERISH but have everlasting life,” then th ere re­ mains th e awful alternative th a t those who DO NOT exercise faith in Christ are doomed to PERISH , and to for­ feit everlasting life. Shall we then, for the measureless love, grace and assurance of John 3: 16 sub stitu te the creed of Naturalism which demands no sup ernatu ral birth, no redeem ing Saviour, no gift of life eternal? Let the voice which speaks from Heaven answer: “Heaven and ea rth shall pass away, b u t my Word shall not pass away.” injCHURCH FURNITURE UL_ Everything fo r Church and Sunday School use. FromFactory to You. Finecatalogfree. DeMoulin Bros* 8C Co. 1151 South 4th St., Greenville, Illinois M SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in Africa, China, India, by Native E vangelists and Bible Women who are being supported for from 80c to $ 2.00 a week, $40 to $100 for a year. Write Rev. H. A. Barton, Secy., Box B, 473 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., for free literature. "If We Neglect” One of James H. McConkey’s latest booklets. A short, simple, convict­ ing message for the unsaved. Be sure to get this message for any friend who is procrastinating. SILVER PUBLISHING SOCIETY, Dept. M, 1013 Bessem er Bldg., Pittsburgh, Penna.

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