King's Business - 1925-09



September 1925

[HBOOK LOVERS^ M in isters, M issio n a ries, S tu d e n ts, W o r k e rs, E v ery b o d y LOOK AT THESE Special Combination Offers H e r e is y o u r o p p o r tu n ity to o b ta in so m e o f th e B E ST B O O K S p u b lish ed , a t g r e a tly red u c ed p r ic e s FOR ONLY $1.50 Y o u c a n h a v e a n y o f th e fo llo w in g c o m b in a tio n s, or y o u c a n c h a n g e th e c o m b in a tio n to s u it y o u r se lf, ju st so it d o e s .n o t ru n o v e r $ 1 . 9 5 King’s Business one year and S. S. Lesson Quarterly........j....$1.25 Why I Believe in the Virgin Birth— Wm. Evans..............paper .60 $1.85 K ing’s Business one year and S. S. Lesson Quarterly.............$1.25 The Two Genealogies of Jesus— J. C. Stillion______.................... 25 Truth for You— J. H. Sammis.......______ ......................... ..........25 $1.75 King’s Business one year and S. S. Lesson Quarterly.............$1.25 The Return of the Lord Jesus—R. A. Torrey...................paper .50 $1.75 King’s Business one year and S. S. Lesson Quarterly..............$1.25 Matthews Gospel Self Interpreted— Keith L. Brooks...... paper .50 $1.75 K ing’s Business one year and S. S. Lesson Quarterly-..........$1.25 The Mysteries of the Kingdom— W. C. Stevens............. paper .35 The Triumphs of the Cross— W. C. Stevens.......................paper .35 $1.95 King’s Business one year and S. S. Lesson Quarterly..............$1.25 The Layman’s Handbook of Daniel — Dr. G. A. Briegleb...........;^...........—.....'.......„.............paper .50 FOR ONLY $2.00 You can have any of the following combinations King’s Business one year and S. S. Lesson Quarterly..............$1.25 Fine Gold— Josephine Hope W estervelt............................cloth $1.25 $2.50 King’s Business one year and S. S. Lesson Quarterly..............$1.25 In The Twinkling of an Eye— Sydney D. W atson..... ............... 1.25 , $2.50 King’s Business one year and S. S. Lesson Quarterly..... ........$1.25 The Mark of the Beast— Sydney D. W atson................................ 1.25 $2.50 K ing’s Business one year and S. S. Lesson Quarterly.............$1.25 The Conflict— Elizabeth K n a u s s . . . ..................................|||L 1.25 $2.50 K ing’s Business one year and S. S. Lesson Quarterly............$1.25 Sermon Illustrations of the Bible— Keith L. Brooks.............. L 0 ) The World and Its God— Philip Mauro....-.....„^.......i....paper .35 $2.60 K ing’s Business one year and S. S. Lesson Quarterly..............$1.25 Perplexing Passages in the four Gospels— Keith L. Brooks.. 1.50 $2.75 King’s Business one year and S. S. Lesson Quarterly..............$1.25 Personal and Practical Christian Work— T. C. Horton......... 1.5) $2.75 King’s Business one year and S. S. Lesson Quarterly..............$1.25 The Patinos Vision— George W. Davis...^:..'................................. 1.75 $3.00 King’s Business one year and S. S. Lesson Quarterly..............$1.25 The Summarized Bible, Cloth— Keith L. Brooks...... .............. 1.75 $3.00 FOR ONLY $2.50 You can have any of the following combinations King’s Business one year and S. S. Lesson Quarterly..............$1.25 Knowing the Scriptures— Dr. A. T. Pierson..... . 2.00 $3.25 King’s Business one year and S. S. Lesson Quarterly............ $1.25 God’s B est Secrets—Andrew Murray.........._•............................. 2.00 $3.25 King’s Business one year and S. S. Lesson Quarterly..............$1.25 Studies in the Life and Teachings of Our Lord— Torrey 2.00 $3.25 King’s Business one year and S. S. Lesson Quarterly..............$1.25 The World’s Greatest Need— T. E. Jones....................................... 2.00 $3.25 Note— Add 25c or 1 /s for Foreign postage You can have the King’s Business sent to one address and the books to another if you desire. Tell your friends of these splendid offers also and get them to subscribe. D o n ’t F o r g e t - - - D o n ’t P u t It O ff DO IT NOW ! ! ! THE KING’S BUSINESS 536-558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif.

THE BAPTIST BIBLE UNION (Continued from page 390)

WHEREAS, The said Dr. Cornelius Woelfkin, a t the Indianapolis meeting of the N orthern Baptist Convention, in 1922, proposed a sub stitu te to a motion to adopt the New H ampshire Confession of F aith in the following term s: ' “T hat th e New Testam ent is our only ground of fa ith and practice, and we need no o th er statem en t,” which motion was adopted by the N orthern B aptist Con­ vention; and WHEREAS, The subsequent action of Dr. Woelfkin and of th e P a rk Avenue B ap tist Church, avowedly, as afo re­ said, on th e advice of many denom inational leaders, in 'c a ll­ ing to th e p asto rate of th e church one whose modernism denies every fundam ental of evangelical fa ith in general, and th e distinctive doctrines of B aptists in p articu lar, reveals a w idespread conspiracy to destroy th e foundations of our denom inational life; and WHE'REAS, This action of the P ark Avenue Baptist Church, of which Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., is a trustee, is obviously p art of a plan to extend to the whole B aptist denom inational life the influence of the Rockefeller Foun­ dation, which has already succeeded in converting nearly all our educational in stitu tion s into hotbeds of Modernism; therefore BE IT RESOLVED, T hat the B aptist Bible Union of North America in annual meeting assembled, reaffirms its adherence -to th e g reat fundam entals of our Baptist faith, hereinbefore enum erated; and th a t we appeal to all Baptists of like faith and order to express th e ir disapproval of the principles of the Rockefeller-Fosdick “ new movement,” hailed by Dr. Woelfkin; and, in Associations and Conven­ tions th roughou t America, to pu t ourselves on record as opposed to its attem p t to convert the Baptist denom ination into an organization for th e propagation of the anti-Chris­ tian principles of Modernism; and also th a t we urge all B aptists on this Continent to organize themselves in every legitim ate and effective way to defeat the conspirators; and by evéry means in th e ir power to endeavor to save the Denom ination from the corrupting influence of the Rocke­ feller-Fosdick combination. T. T. SHIELDS, 0. W. VAN OSDEL, W. B. HINSON, J. FRANK NORRIS. W. B. RILEY, A resolution was passed expressing appreciation of the hospitality extended to the Union by Dr. Matthews and the F irst P resbyterian Church. The resolution also expressed g ratitud e to God for “ the way in which He has used Dr. Matthews and other g reat P resbyterian leaders in defense of the faith once for all delivered to th e saints, and in fu r­ th ering th e cause of evangelical Christianity.’?-’ i‘ “L et all th e P eople Say ‘Amen’ ” ! We are sure th a t The K ing’s Business Fam ily will say “Amen” ! to this splendid defense of the faith, for which this magazine has always stood, and then aid us in our fight for th e Word of God, the tru e church o f Christ and the land we love, which was founded on these basic prin­ ciples,-—by securing for us as many as possible new mem­ bers for “The Fam ily,” so th a t by m utual prayer and service we may faithfully do our p art for th e Lord we love and the people for whom He died. T . C . H o rto n , E d ito r-in -C h ief, T h e K in g ’s B u sin ess 5 3 6 -5 5 8 S. H o p e S tre e t, L o s A n g e le s, C a lifo rn ia . D e a r F rie n d ,— In re sp o n se to y o u r' a p p e a l o n in sid e b a c k c o v e r fo r m y h e lp in in tro d u c in g T h e K in g ’s B usiness, y o u w ill find e n c lo s e d : $ g u la r y e a rly su b sc rip tio n s @ $ 1 .2 5 N am e ................... ........................................______________ A d d re s s ............................................................................... (S ig n y o u r ow n n a m e a n d a d d re ss h ere, g iv in g n am es a n d a d d re sse s of n ew su b s c rib e rs o n a n o th e r s lip ).

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