King's Business - 1925-09



September 1925

or give you work here.” $5.00 (about $2.50 American money), no food, no respectable' clothing, no home, no friends and no one to believe th e ir story. They found an old, vacated, thatched hu t and lived th ere. When the : m issionary retu rn ed a year later he found th e man was making an honest struggle and introduced him to a good situation. They quickly arose to b etter cir­ cumstances, and all the time kept praying for the family. Then they sent th e ir p aren ts $40.00 and told them th a t th e Lord had blessed them and asked th e whole fam ily to come and live w ith them and share God’s blessing on th eir Christian home. They came and in tim e the fath e r and mother-in-law, as well as th e b ro th er and sister-in-law and th e ir two children were won to the Lord. No wonder she chose a new name. A year ago Deh Yung wanted to come to th e Bible In sti­ tu te to prepare to be a Bible woman, bu t we were not able to adm it her as we had no class forgone w ith so little edu­ cation. Then, about Christmas time, her husband moved to Changsha where he has a very good situation and she pled so to be allowed a t least to come and listen to th e Bible teaching th a t we could not bu t adm it her. She is such an earnest Christian and so tru ly seeks to live up to her name th a t we count it a real privilege to have her in the school and hope th a t she may be able to take the full course, p re­ paring herself to do the kind of work for th e women of China th a t th a t o th er Bible woman did for her. , This is the sincere purpose of both Deh Yung and her husband, who has released her from home responsibilities and is providing all h er expenses while she is in the Hunan Bible In stitu te.

OUR BIBLE INSTITUTE IN CHINA (Continued from page 396)

The. fam ily went from bad to worse, simply could not get work or a new sta rt in business so th a t in.som ething over a year they tu rned Deh Yung’s husband out also, saying th a t the gods were so angry a t the girl th a t they would not blesS th e fam ily and th a t the only thing for him to do was to go and find his wife and force her to make peace with th e gods. Then he could come back and the fam ily luck would retu rn . He started out w ith the equivalent of less th an two Amer­ ican cents in his pocket to walk to the place where he had lost his wife. ' When he found her he could scarcely speak for w ant of food. He told h er he had come to take her to live w ith him bu t th a t they would not re tu rn to th e family. “Your Lord,” said he, “ has been talk ing to my h ea rt on this long trip and I now w ant to be in God’s w ill.” When she heard this Deh Yung knew th a t h e r prayer for her hus­ band had been answered. A fter a few days’ re st they started out for the old home town as they wanted to live and work there. It was a 200 mile walk and they had an equivalent of less th an two American dollars between them . It took them th ree weeks to make the journey and they were so black w ith th e sun, so weary and d irty and to rn w ith th e trip , th a t they were real beggars when they reached home. Nevertheless they w ent a t once to th e home of th e m issionary who was ju st going away. He heard the story and gave the man $5.00 saying, “See w hat you can do w ith th a t and w;hen I come back, if you have made good I will help you to get work

The King’s Business, 536-558 South Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

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