King's Business - 1925-09

Strike up an acquaintance \tfith T O U R BIBLE ¡UR CORRESPONDENCE COURSES are TOOLS. By various plans, they guide the student in a systematic search of the Scriptures. Eight practical courses are offered. There are courses for juniors, courses for those new in the Christian life, courses for advanced students. Prices run from $1 to $5 and enrollment cost covers study material and privileges of the Correspondence School.

BEG INN ER ’S C O U R S E— U n iq u e L esso n s b y K e ith L . B ro o k s, $ 2 .0 0 SU P P L EM E N T A L W O R K fo r Y o u n g B elievers, b y M rs. B ro o k s, $ 1 .0 0 F U N D A M E N T A L D O C T R IN E S— D r. T orrey* s fam o u s c o u rse , $ 5 .0 0 P E R SO N A L W O R K a n d P ra c tic a l C h ristia n W o rk ,T . C . H o rto n , $ 3 .5 0 B O O K STU D IE S— B ird s-ey e V iew of th e B ible, W . H . P ik e, $ 3 .0 0 C H A P T E R SUMM ARY W O R K— O ld a n d N ew T e sta m e n ts, J o h n H . H u n te r, $ 3 .0 0 each . L IF E A N D T E A C H IN G S O F C H R IS T , in th e G o sp els, b y B ro o k s, $5

O u r $i .oo Course is a W inner We have already enrolled a large number of young people who have expressed their delight with it. Older Christians also find it a means of brushing up. Whole families are being fascinated. The Bible Arithmetic Problems and Test Questions are making many put op their thinking caps. Safeguard $our bcnjs and girls. Enroll them in this course and create a love for the Bible Our Correspondence School is always in session. Enroll any time and study the Bible on your own time under the direction of competent teachers. Clip the coupon below and mail to Correspondence School—Bible Institute of Los Angeles

E n ro ll th e fo llow in g p e rso n in S u p p le m e n ta l C o u rse a n d find $ 1 a tta c h e d .

S treet.. C ity..

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