Students of Prophecy everywhere are agreed that we are nearing the “last days” foretold in the Scriptures. If This Be So then surely Christians should be informed as to the signs of the time, and be “armed and armoured' against the enemies of the truth within and without the church. The King’s Business is a mine of information and ammunition for Defenders of the Faith. You, who already are a member of The K. B. Family, and know its value, can render no better Christian service than to Introduce to Your Friends the magazine which has been so helpful to you. One new subscriber, writing from Illinois, tells how she became acquainted with it: “ I found a leaf of your magazine— JUST THE FRONT LEAF—-w h ich had been left by som e tourist. I am so interested in it that I want to subscribe for it.'9 Perhaps She Lived Next Door to a K. B. subscriber, but surely not the same sort of subscriber as the Pennsylvania brother who says: “ I notice your appeal on the inside front cover and just want to say that if EVERY READER will do as well as 1 have done, you will soon double your subscription list. I have just sent in THREE NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS, and am not afraid to STAND BACK of the MAGAZINE. I KNOW IT IS A GOOD PAPER. May your wish soon be granted.” We will gladly send as many sample copies as you can use. Show them to your friends and say,—with the Pennsylvania subscriber— “I KNOW IT IS A GOOD PAPER.” U se c o u p o n o n p a g e 4 1 2 in fo rw a rd in g y o u r su b sc rip tio n s.
“ It is h ig h tim e to a w a k e o u t of sle e p ’* (R om . 3 :1 0 ) .
“ T h e n ig h t c o m e th w h e n n o m a n c a n w o rk ’* ' (J o h n 9 :4 ) . “W h o w ill go fo r u s? * * * H e re am I, sen d me** __________ (Isa. 6 :5 ) . “ So b u ilt w e th e w all * * * fo r th e p e o p le h ad a m in d to w o rk ’* (N eh . 4 :6 ) .
“B ehold, I c o m e q u ick ly , a n d m y re w a rd is w ith m e, to g iv e e v ery m a n a c c o rd in g as h is w o rk sh a ll b e ” (R ev . 2 2 :1 2 ) .
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