King's Business - 1925-09

September 1925



IBHHHHHHI “DEFENDER OF THE FAITH” A man of might has fallen. William Jennings Bryan, the outstanding Christian layman of the United States, has finished his course. He was a warrior- in the fullest and noblest sense -of the word. When you visualize him,/you see a real /BRYAN THE BRAVE—


scores of such men throughout the country ready for service and their influence was felt in every walk of life, But now—where ;are they ? Mr. Bryan was. such a man. He was a Christian lay­ man who; loved- his country, loved his Countrymen, loved His Bible. He was the man best qualified to lead the forces of the church against the subtle foe of Mod­ ernism and Evolution, and we had prayed much that

man, face set like a flint, eyes lighted with a radiant glow, stand­ ing four square upon his feet, with Bible in hand, ready to fight for it, ready to die for it, for he had tested it, proved it, believed with all his heart that it was worth defend­ ing to the death;r if need be, and—true to h i s convictions—he faced its foes and had, the joy of seeing them r e t r e a t under his attack. When you think of this man you think of Joshua,^: of David, of Daniel, of Paul, of the martyrs. You might not agree with him, in everything, as y o u might not have agreed with some of the old prophets,, but—if you had real red blood in y o u r v e i n s , and loyalty and love for your country and for your L o r d in your heart—y ou w o u l d love him. What is the need of t h e s e United States, today? Men! Men of God—m en w i t h a vision—men who see

God would spare him and set him apart for this most definite and desperate need. But God had other plans for- him, and we bow to His will and praise Him for producing such a man as Bryan, the Beloved Layman! GOD’S WORD WORKS The b e s t possible defense of the Word ,of God is not dele­ gated to the scientists, nor to the schools,, although we rejoice ip the fact that many of the best scientists and scholars the world has ever known have left the clearest testimony to its infallibility, and have faced every foe with a fixed faith and unshaken testimony to its power in their own lives. Every attack ever made upon the Bible has emanated from Satan. Don’t fail to understand this. To his age-old 'weapon, “ Y e a, h a t h ' God said?” . Satan has at­ tached m a n y new­ fangled t i t l e s with


“The world needs a Saviour more th an it ever did before, and th ere is only one ‘nam e under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.’ ■ “ It is this Name th a t evolution degrades, for, carried to its logical conclusion, evolution robs Christ of th e glory of a ’ Virgin B irth, of the m ajesty ofY lis Deity, and of the trium ph of B is Resurrection. It also disputes th e doctrine of the A tonement, : “ It is for the ju ry to determ ine whether th is attack upon the Christian religion shall be perm itted in the public schools of Tennessee by teachers employed by the State and paid out of th e public treasury. The case has assumed the proportional of a b attle royal between unbelief, th a t attem pts to speak through so-called ‘science,’ and the defenders of th e Christian faith, speaking th rough the legislators of the S tate of Ten­ nessee, “Again the question ‘W hat shall I dp w ith Je su s?’ must be answered. A bloody, b ru tal doctrine—-evolution— demands, as did the rabble 1900 years ago, th a t He be crucified. But th a t cannot be th e answer of th is jury, representing a Christian State, which answer is eagerly awaited by a praying multitude. “ If the law is nullified, th ere will be rejoicing wherever God is repudiated, .the Saviour scoffed a t and the Bible ridiculed. Every unbeliever of every kind and degree will be happy. “ If on th e other hand, the law is upheld and the faith of school children protected, m illions of Christians will call you blessed and, w ith h earts full of g ratitu d e to God, will sing again th a t grand old song of trium ph:

“F aith of our fathers, living still, In spite of dungeon, fire and sword; Oh, how our h earts beat high w ith joy, Whene’er we h ear th a t glorious word! F aith of our fathers, holy faith; We will be tru e to thee till d ea th !”

things as they were, as they are and as they should be —men who sense the need, the danger and the solution of the problems that confront this land of ours. But—how hard it is for (Ipd to get men ! The call for professional men meets with a ready response. The call of the business world finfls multitudes waiting for the opportunity to make money. But the call of the crucified, risen, -ascended and coming Lord Jesus Christ, finds but a meagre response.. Preachers have a ministry, but they can never take the place of out­ standing Christian laymen. Fifty years ago there were

which to deceive the elect, as well as his own followers. With Eve it was an apple. Now it is the “ Eve-olution’’ of man on the descending scale of a monkey’s tail. Many fall for it. What is the best argument for the' inerrant Word of God? The Bible believed and lived in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. The story of its conquests is the indisputable evidence of its verity. Blind belief in Satan’s erroneous theories of all kinds is the means used to secure the victims who may be willing to make some sacrifices for their false faith

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