Highlights of federal agency and non-governmental partnerships:
Historic properties benefit from having private partnerships with knowledgeable organizations concerned with their preservation. Such partnerships benefit federal agencies by providing often no (or low) cost expertise and personnel to help preserve and tell the story of the property, while giving those concerned with its future a voice and stake in its continued existence. ›› Texas: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) partnered with the Texas Air and Space Museum to complete the display of its historic Douglas DC-3 Aircraft, which had a significant role in the development and modernization of flight inspection standards and aircraft design. ›› Washington, D.C.: AFRH partnered with the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s President Lincoln’s Cottage at the Soldiers’ Home to enhance heritage tourism and educational programs for the campus. ›› VA has entered into two formal agreements to permit external fundraising for specific historic preservation projects: at VA Medical Center (VAMC), Dayton, Ohio, which was selected to host a Departmental history center, a community coalition will fundraise to rehabilitate Buildings 116 and 129; and at Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, the 1887 Fund will fundraise to rehabilitate five West Los Angeles VAMC campus buildings, including a long-vacant chapel. ›› Florida: FWS has partnered with the University of Florida to conduct archaeological investigations at Lower Suwannee and Cedar Key National Wildlife Refuges as part of a long-term scientific research partnership. ›› The West: BLM partners with museums and universities to manage its collections and maintains three unique repositories: the Anasazi Heritage Center (Colorado), the Curation Center (Montana), and the National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center (Oregon). ›› Washington, D.C.: Department of the Treasury partnered with the Treasury Historical Association, which provided funding for the restoration of the Treasury Building’s West Stair balustrade and for the conservation of objects in the Treasury Collection. ›› VA’s National Cemetery Administration is working with Friends of Historic Jefferson to rehabilitate the Jefferson City, Missouri, lodge, and with the Wilmington Historical Society to rehabilitate the Wilmington, North Carolina, lodge. ›› The West: BLM’s Site Stewardship Program is active in almost every state where BLM has a presence. Some states like Arizona and California have been working with volunteer stewards for decades. After archaeological field training, steward volunteers record new sites and monitor previously discovered sites, providing important support for Section 110 responsibilities.
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