USE OF HISTORIC PROPERTIES ›› The “condition index” for the average federal historic building or structure is equal or better than the average non-historic building or structure. (A condition index is not assigned to a land asset.) ›› Federal historic properties are only considered as slightly more “underutilized” than non- historic federal properties. The ACHP is pleased to have the opportunity to supplement this report with information from the FRPP, for the first time, and looks forward to continuing to work with FRPP staff and FRPC member agencies. In future triennial reports, the ACHP will request data to supplement the above analyses, to identify patterns and trends, to measure progress in meeting the goals of this EO, and to consider new questions that may arise. Note: Terms in quotes are defined in the FRPP 2017 Data Dictionary ( policy-regulations/policy/real-property-policy/asset-management/federal-real-property- council-frpc/frpc-guidance-library).
Mission Operations Control Room, Johnson Space Center Houston 1969 (photo courtesy NASA)
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