Invest in Life Change
Alumni Encouragement Award
Life Change Student Fund
When you give to Student Scholarships, you are partnering with Word of Life to train, equip and inspire students to reach their world for Christ. Funds apply directly to students and help offset tuition, room and board, and other fees. If you’d like to donate directly to the Student Life Change fund, scan the QR Code below or mail us the attached Life Change Student Fund insert. Will you join us as we invest in the spiritual growth of the next generation?
You experienced life change at Word of Life Bible Institute. Why not invest in life change for the next generation? Did you know that as an alumnus of Word of Life Bible Institute, you can give a $750 scholarship to any freshman entering the Bible Institute? Students can only receive one Alumni Encouragement Award, but you can give the award to as many students as you would like! If you know any incoming freshmen, you can make a real difference in their lives by offering them the Alumni Encouragement Award. Just because you graduated from the Bible Institute doesn’t mean you can’t be a part of all that’s happening here. The Alumni Encouragement Award is just one way you can be involved.
You can also give to the Life Change Student Fund using the insert between pages 10 & 11.
You can also give Alumni Encouragement Award using the insert between pages 2 & 3.
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