Where Are They Now? God in the Adirondack Wilderness: Jonathan Zaharek '16
By Taylor (Hurlbert '10 & '13) Price M
Most students, upon spending a year in the beautiful Adirondack Park, grow a fond appreciation for the mountains surrounding the Word of Life Bible Institute campus. Not many, however, make a career out of them. Jonathan Zaharek grew up working at Word of Life camps and was part of the 2016 Bible Institute graduating class. “My time at WOLBI was one of the best years of my life so far. It was an incredible growing experience – participating in Open Air Evangelism and serving in the dish pit! – but also being surrounded by the High Peaks.” Zaharek is a self-employed, professional land- scape photographer in the High Peaks region, based out of Lake Placid. He stays busy working as a part-time guide in the High Peaks, running a large Adirondack YouTube channel and Instagram platform, and serving as the full-time worship lead- er of Lake Placid Baptist Church. “God has blessed me with such an incredible platform to display His glory through creation and being able to serve his church and minister to the lost people of the North Country. I get to hike in the mountains for a living! Waking up in this beautiful place every single day is already far beyond what I deserve. It’s been so awesome watching God piece together my life story, even years before I was born. Every morning I wake up, I need to remind myself that God has placed me here as a tool and instrument for His will, and I need to use the gifts and abilities He has given me to glorify Him. I’ve been learning how to magnify the Lord and be a light to this dark place. I love talking about my faith
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