Life in the High Peaks
any moment that I get, and there’s so much opportunity to share love and to magnify God’s creation. I’ve been able to meet so many amazing believers and had so many times to share my testimony and to glorify God through photography.”
Jonathan has been extremely successful in the Adirondack landscape photography world. His talent and skill alone are amazing, but his experience and love for hiking really set his work apart. At only 24 years old, he has completed approximately eight rounds of summiting all 46 High Peaks – with “many more to come!” He’s also dived deep into the world of trail running, has participated in many competitions, and has even broken multiple records in his area. Life in the mountains, while beautiful and exciting, can also be lonely. Jonathan says people can pray for his ministry here in the Adirondacks – whether in his local church or out on the trail, as well as for spiritual health and discipline. You can also pray for his upcoming opportunity to serve as a videographer for a ministry in Buffalo, New York, as they fly to Sierra Leone this October to create freshwater wells in remote villages. You can check out Jonathan’s amazing photography work on his Instagram account, @JonathanZaharek.
How One Year Changed His Life
“Word of Life most certainly had an impact on my current career. It placed me in the area and made me passionate about Jesus and the Adirondacks. I sought many opportunities to photograph and grow my career while attending. Being at the Bible Institute for a year cemented the foundation and path for being up here full time. I’m constantly learning, growing, and experiencing highs and lows like most people. It’s ironic how God has placed me in an area that stretches my weaknesses the most. But it’s also not ironic because God wants us to grow, trust Him, and deepen our faith.”
13 The Experience
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