Bill Shuman '71 and family
Alumni Updates 1970’s
1980’s Kim (Sebast ’80) Weaver and her husband, Kenneth, live in Maryland. They have three adult children: Matthew, Timothy, and Jessica. Kim’s work is in providing support for young adults with special needs. She also leads a small musical group that provides music periodically to their congregation and to area seniors and nursing homes. Stephen Henry ’82 and his wife, Cheryl, live in Oregon. Stephen works as a Project Manager at AERO Bridgeworks Inc. installing Passenger Boarding Bridges at airports. Wesley Yerkes ’86 and his wife, Suzanne, live in Virginia. They have three adult children: Joshua who is married to Carla; Hannah, a 2014 grad of the BI in Hungary, who is married to Joseph Turner, a 2014 grad of the BI in Florida; and Abigail, a 2019 grad of the WOLBI-BBP in Argentina. Wesley is pastoring Brookhill Baptist Church in Roanoke. Wesley previously served in the U.S. Navy both active and reserve for almost 30 years.
four adult children and five grandchildren. She works in customer service for an insurance agency. At church, she is involved in children’s ministry, youth group, and women’s ministry. David ‘89 and Linda (Watts ’89) Mitchell have recently returned to the U.S. after ministering in Ticumán, Morales, Mexico with WEC International. They are currently living in Indiana and David is working with his son-in-law. 1990’s Crosby Newbill ’91 and his wife, Alverta, live in Maryland and have three adult children and two grandchildren. Crosby is the Director of Community-Based Programs for the Boys & Girls Club of Harford and Cecil Counties. Kyle ’92 and Sarah (Henderson ’92) Knell live in Florida and have three adult children, all WOLBI grads: Kyrah ’18, Christopher ’19, and Angela ’20 . Sarah homeschooled the last two of their children and is involved in ministry with Covenant Care Hospice.
Bill Shuman '71 and his wife, Linda, live in Michigan. They have five adult children. Bill is a retired Christian school teacher and chaplain. Randy Tate ’73 and his wife, Janet, live in Ohio. Randy works in sales for Lumen Technology Group. At church, he is a Deacon, ABF Teacher, and does pulpit supply. Lorne Trudgian ’76 lives in Alberta, Canada, where he is the English Pastor at Calgary Chinese Evangelical Free Church. He has been married since 1978 and has been a pastor since 1979. He and his wife, Cindy, have three daughters and eight grandchildren. Lon Sanora ’76 and his wife, Debbie, live in Florida. They have four adult children: Chris, Kathi, Josh, and Michelle. Lon works in IT for a large law firm. He also plays bass guitar on the church worship team. John ’76 and Deborah (Catlow ’76) Potter have recently moved to Tennessee. They have two adult children and one granddaughter.
Jacqueline (Long ’88) NeSmith is married to Eddie and they live in Florida. Jackie has
Robert Schroeder ’93 and his wife, Nancy, live in New York state. They have two adult
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