Camp Meeting in Council Hall (above)
Student Testimonies
Seika Ito '20 & '21 This summer, I had the opportunity to work at The Pines, where I served as a Unit Leader, as the keyboard player on the worship team, and at the front desk. All of my jobs were very visible, but the Lord used them to teach me that even if I am not working at the front desk or on the stage for worship, the girls and guests are watching me. It was very challenging for me to show Christ- likeness every single moment, but, at the same time, that challenge was a huge blessing. I learned that I need to feed myself spiritually in order to pour into others – I cannot show Christlikeness without having Jesus Christ in me. I got to see God ministering to people through me; it was such a humbling and incredible experience. I am praising the Lord because He gave me the great opportunities I had this summer, and He is the One working all things together for our good and His glory!
Colin Smith '20 & '21 Summer camp was full of genuinely good and rewarding times, but as any season where true growth takes place, it wasn’t without its challenges. Spending my summer on the Camp Crew side of things was both difficult and sweet, but, most of all, it was a blessing to spend each day pouring into my Crewers. My summer ministry this year was photography, and the Lord taught me leaps and bounds through it. He taught me about His purposeful creation of each of us; the phrase “knit us together” (as used in Jeremiah) is such an intimate way to describe His creation of us. My eyes were opened to the way He “knitted” me with this gift and passion for photography and then gave me a way to glorify Him with it through my ministry. It was crazy how carrying a camera did not create distance between me and the campers. Instead, photography opened doors to casual conversations that then turned into gospel conversations. The Lord purposefully gave me this ‘unconventional’ summer ministry, and, despite my weaknesses, He has been glorified in and through it. Everything He does is by design, from the way He created us all the way down to something as simple as where I was placed in camp. “Everything [the Lord] does is by design, from the way He created us all the way down to something as simple as where I was placed in camp.”
Youth Camp Activities
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