
Mid Atlantic R eal E state J ournal S polight Economic Development We are committed to ensuring Delaware is a place where innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit thrives, and one where businesses of all sizes can grow and build into the future. Our economic development focus is aimed at bringing in new businesses on the cutting edge of technology, while also growing and educating our workforce to accommodate those new and growing employers. We have been proud of the effectiveness of our D elaware Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Economic Development — January 31 - February 13, 2014 — 5A Dear Friends: I am pleased to address commercial real estate professionals throughout the Mid Atlantic N ew J ersey


States in this issue of the Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal.Under the oversight of Lieutenant Gov- ernor KimGuadagno, the New Jersey Partnership for Action has made tremendous strides in revital- izing our state’s economy. The Partnership’s three agencies - Choose New Jersey, the Business Action Center and the Economic Development Authority - have attracted new business and helped exist- ing businesses thrive by focusing on relationship

business financing strategies and programs that have helped companies relocate to or expand in Delaware, even in the difficult economic climate of the past few years.

Governor Markell

Governor Christie

Delaware continues to be one of the lowest business cost locations with one of the best tax climates in the nation, and we are planting the seeds of our economic future now by focusing on goals with far-reaching, long-term economic impact. Improving education and developing renewable energy have been top priorities since my administration took office in early 2009. Delaware is the home of tax-free shopping, five-star beaches, acres of preserved natural beauty and a rich history captured and documented museums and sites. Our strengths are aerospace and aviation, green and material sciences, biotech- nology and banking and financial institutions, but our backbone is also the small start-up or the 50-year-old mom-and-pop company. On behalf of the State of Delaware, I extend my best regards and wishes to the commercial real estate professionals of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. I look forward to your continued success as an industry and working with you to continue to grow the First State’s economy.

building and person to person outreach, promoting the state’s incentives and resources, developing pro-growth policies and assisting businesses in navigating state government and programs. In addition, we have reduced administrative red tape, restrictive mandates and prohibitive taxes to make New Jersey’s business climate more favorable. As the Garden State recovers from the devastation of Super Storm Sandy, I am encouraged by the resolve of its citizens and business owners. New Jer- seyans have endured and I am confident that we will rebuild - stronger and better than ever. I look forward to working with all those affiliated with the real estate profession on investing in our shared future. Best wishes to all for a successful year.

Sincerely, Chris Christie Governor

Sincerely, Jack A. Markell Governor

P ennsylvania

V irginia

It is my pleasure to extend my best personal regards and appreciation to the real estate professionals of the Mid-Atlantic Region. I commend you for contribut- ing to the vitality of the Commonwealth’s economy and for working towards a more prosperous future for Pennsylvania and our neighbors. The Common- wealth remains committed to economic growth and job creation for our state’s citizens. My administration recognizes that growing the private sector is the only way to accomplish these goals. I am confident that

Virginia: Open for Business The Commonwealth of Virginia was founded as a busi- ness venture more than 400 years ago, and that legacy continues today as Virginia remains the top state in which to do business, as rated by several independent industry publications. Virginiacontinuestoearnaccoladesandattractbusinesses from around the county and around the world because of our pro-business environment that offers lower operating costs, a stable six percent corporate income tax that hasn’t increased since 1972, property tax exemptions, a highly skilled and available workforce, strategic location at the heart of the East Coast, and one of the lowest combined state/local/use taxes at five%.

Governor Corbett

Governor McDonnell

you share my passion for creating economic growth and I look forward to continue working with you in the years ahead to better serve Pennsylvania’s citizens and make our region an attractive place for businesses to grow and succeed. As Gov- ernor, and on behalf of all Pennsylvanians, I am pleased to extend my best wishes to the real estate professionals of Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia and New Jersey for continued success in growing the economy in our state and our region.

Virginia also offers a variety of performance-based incentives that it uses to attract and retain business investments and to attract new jobs to the Commonwealth. From tax credits to tax exemptions, Virginia continues to demonstrate its willingness to invest in those who invest and reinvest in the Commonwealth. Virginia has one of the country’s most technically advanced, on-line site selection search tools—VirginiaScan.VirginiaScanallows companies to searcha database ofmore than1,800 qualified sites and buildings across the Commonwealth. In addition to site and building specifications, VirginiaScan enables companies to search for an ideal business location using Virginia workforce statistics, existing business data and a host of other information that is driving today’s business site-selection process. Sincerely, Bob McDonnell, Governor

Sincerely, Tom Corbett, Governor

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