Holiday Favorite Recipes Made Healthy
By Clare Lillard, Extension Agent, FCS, Orange County Extension Office
During a recent conversation with co - workers from the Orange Extension Office, we shared our favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner. Although everyone expressed our love for everything Thanksgiving, we all mentioned side dishes, such as sweet potatoes, stuffing, broccoli casserole, and even warm German potato salad with gravy, (from a mid - western transplant!), as our favorite part of the traditional holiday meal. The following recipes are healthier, and delicious, versions of two of the most popular Thanksgiving side dishes, shared with me by Extension volunteer, Meador Horne, RN, CDCES. She suggests that if you are going to a holiday potluck meal, while being mindful of what you eat, that you bring a healthy side dish. That way you know there will be at least one healthier option for you to eat at the meal, but you can also enjoy sampling the other sides.
Best wishes for a happy, healthy, Thanksgiving!
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