Biola Broadcaster - 1972-10

my fellow man. In this day of world communication I am my brothers brother. We all know that man is sinful and that he behaves anything like a brother. Yet, because of what Christ has done for us we should want to win our brother, whoever he may be, to the Saviour. We are called to be global citizens, trans­ cending cultural and racial barriers, to call our fellow man anywhere and everywhere to salvation. Jesus has told us, "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of Cod" (Mat­ thew 5:9). There are many people today who do not believe in Christ or respect the will of the Lord but yet they are not desirous of seeking trouble in the world. Sometimes they put us to shame considering the lack believers often reveal in endeavoring to show forth the principles of the One who truly is "the Prince of Peace." One of the greatest problems of life is man's selfishness and ego- centeredness. Man turns against his fellow man in hostility and com­ petition. There is a power struggle and status-seeking that dominates so much of our modern life. Jesus said, "If any man would be great, let him be the servant of all." He teaches us that the real expression of Christian love is our willingness to stoop and do the lowly things for others. Peacemaking is not an easy thing. It calls for real care in bringing others to an awareness of Cod's will. The characteristics of a peace­ maker are given in Matthew 7:1-6. One of these is to recognize the ultimate judgment of God. Paul writes in Romans, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord." We are to return good for evil. We Page 31

dom and happiness if we would be honest with Cod. Christ's formula is, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his right­ eousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (vs. 33). Take life a day at a time, trusting Cod and facing each problem with the strength He waits to give you. Search your own heart on these points. Let Cod cleanse your need by being open and honest with Him. Then, by dedication, deci­ sion, and commitment to His will, let that purity permeate all of your being so that your motives are not selfish but are purposed for the glory of Christ. BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS Everywhere one looks today he is obsessed by turbulence. There is the feeling of complete disasso- ciation with the present because of the shock and fear for all that is coming upon us. Man, obvious­ ly, has created much of his own problems. This is true in the area of ecology about which we hear so much. We cannot keep violat­ ing the orders of creation. Too long has man exploited the world over which Cod has given us do­ minion, using it for his own selfish advantage. There are even some scientists who are warning us that by 1979 the seas will be dead and by 1981 the rest of the world will be dead. While we as believers live in this world we are still strangers and pilgrims. Yet, believing in God and eternity does not mean that we have to be of no earthly good. We should become the greatest value in this world. What we can do here can be consistent with my eternal relationship to God. As a Christian, I should be living to help

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