of a structure as tall as that impos ing edifice. The tallest thing they knew were silos 20 or 30 feet high. Because they could not conceive of anything a thousand feet high they rejected the whole idea. So today, as in the past, there are those who reject ideas simply because they do not have the ability to see the significance of the message. The Lord Jesus told us in the third chapter of John's Gospel that the Holy Spirit is the One who can move upon people, creating with in them the ability to accept and understand the essential message of salvation. Our only foundation is found in Jesus Christ. We are told to stand, which means to be established. What a contrast to those who have nothing upon which to build their lives. They have no conception as to what will happen in the future. Many times as a result they are in despair. Through the power of the resurrection we can stand assured and confident. We need to have our lives secure because there are plenty of pressures which will be placed on us. Through the resurrection we are saved from the penalty of sin which is basically separation from God. Christ was victorious over the grave. He is able to intercede on our be half. In verse 10 we note Paul's "po sition" and "performance." The same God who had the power to raise Christ from the grave selected Paul, gave him gifts and abilities, and then directed the use of them so that His servant could be suc cessful in the ministry. Paul was a testimony not only to the fact of the resurrection, but also to the impact of that resurrection mes- Page 43
Lord. Remember that he was not an apostle at the time of Christ's earthly ministry. He could hardly be charged with wishful thinking. He met Christ in a special revela tion following the resurrection. To see the verified bodily resurrection of Christ was God's solemn seal of authenticity upon salvation in Christ alone. In Greek mythology there was a clearly established belief in life af ter death. Death was all powerful. The ancient gods hesitated to tan gle with master Death himself for their power was completely invalid. They had nothing to offer concern ing any eternal hope. The Druids of the first Christian century taught the immortality of man. In fact, according to one Roman writer, they made loans against repayment in the next world. Yet, the hope of the next world contained no victory and eternal joy for them. What a contrast to the message of Christ. This majestic theme of Scripture is beyond any valid chal lenge. The tremendous impact of the resurrection is revealed in the first 11 verses of the 15th chapter. The Gospel message contains very prominently the resurrection of Christ. Because of receiving the message they were able to stand in Christ and be assured of eternal life. Salvation through Christ is not only dynamic but it is also all- powerful. During the 1940's an airplane crashed into the Empire State Build ing. One of the engines penetrated the outside, falling down many floors through an elevator shaft. People could not believe what had taken place. Some people in the Midwest found it hard to conceive
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