Biola Broadcaster - 1972-10



through a loving heart and a joyful experience in the home. There must be adequate leadership which has both purpose and meaning. In stressing the need for a fam­ ily altar while speaking to a men's group, the Holy Spirit touched one man's heart. He told me several months later, "You know, Dr. 'Bob,' when you said those things in our church, I was deeply distressed and humbled. At suppertime the next day I told my family, 'Now, dear ones, do not go away; I want you to come into the living room.' We all sat down and I got the Bible which we had never read before. First of all I asked them to forgive me. I told them that I had a love for God but had not manifested it like I should. In our home I now realized I was the one who was to

There is a vital need today for fathers to realize the strategic re­ sponsibilities they have in the home. These have been ordained of God. If they are not followed tragic results are sure to occur. The children of Israel were plainly told this and were continually admon­ ished as to their specific responsi­ bilities (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). Men do not seem to realize that when Scripture says a father who does not provide for his child is worse than an unbeliever, it is not talking about mere food. The teaching of the Word concerns providing everything for the child necessary for the proper matura­ tion in all areas of potential devel­ opment, but particularly in things pertaining to the Spirit. We are to provide examples of Christ-likeness

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