is not insurance that a child will grow up without any traces of way wardness. If we dedicate our chil dren to the Lord, praying daily for them, the promise is still true, and we can trust the Lord for it, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."
dear Saviour can give you the grace and wisdom to be spiritually victorious. Here is another interesting ques tion about young people. "When a child goes wrong, and the par ents have done everything they can to bring him up properly, is it right for people to blame them? Are children given a free-will by God to do whatever they may choose? If all are sinners, why should church members be so un kind to parents who have wayward children? Why don't they pray for us instead?" This is an important point for we do need to uphold such parents before the throne of grace. Par ents, however, must examine things closely. Our Lord was a per fect Teacher. He was the very Son of God in our midst. He had twelve followers in His group of disciples, yet Judas betrayed Him and went to his appointed place. The failure of Judas could hardly be charged to some failure of the Saviour. Too often parents become busy in the world and do not communicate to the child love, understanding, ac ceptance, approval, security, and other things he so desperately needs. It is not always because of par ental weaknesses, however, that a child turns bad. It is the inherent depravity of our souls that turns us bad. It is the love and encour agement of a father and mother, along with the proper kind of dis cipline and spiritual example, that keep children from going bad as they find Christ as their own per sonal Saviour.Sometimes children do choose wrongly. They each have their own free wills. Because a father and mother are Christ-like
To Carl Hoferer —
So tall you stand —
For Christ I know. Beamingly proud you are His love you show. His greatness you wear Wherever you go. Richer I am since that day — For your help, love, kindness, understanding — because you cared. Now precious Lord — his friendship means more to me than words can say — So bless and safely send this Carl along another stranger's way. I know no more words more fitting to address you. So thank you for passing my way and may God forgive me for saying so much in a small way.
In Christ with love, Helen B. Wheeler January 14,1971
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