Southern Indiana

Support Groups

United Christian Home Schools They are a group of Christian home schooling families who have come together to provide support and encouragement for one another. They are firm in their beliefs and commitment to their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. United Christian Home Schools provides support, educational and recreational activities for Christian home school families. The variety of activities offered varies and is dependent upon member participation. Statement of faith required.

teens regardless of religion, nationality or homeschooling method. They are mainly a social/support group. Their weekly meetings consist of socializing and support. They have weekly meetings and occasional field trips.

Peace Homeschool Group (P.E.A.C.E.)

P.E.A.C.E. stands for Parental Education Alternatives for Children in the Evansville area. They are open to all families regardless of religion, color, nationality or homeschooling method. All are welcome that have their children’s best interest at heart. They are mainly a social/support group. Their weekly meetings consist of play and socializing for the children, and socializing/support for the parents. They have weekly meetings, monthly pot lucks, and occasional field trips.

Home Teens

They are an eclectic group of homeschooling teens in the Evansville IN/Tri-state area. All homeschooling teens 12 to 18 years old are welcome. This group is open to all


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