Southern Indiana

Homeschool Here’s what you need to know about the Homeschool Laws in Indiana: • Indiana Code defines a home school as a nonpublic non-accredited school. • The Indiana Department of Education doesn’t endorse or review any homeschool programs. • Compulsory school age is 7-17 years of age or when the student graduates. • Parents should provide 180 days of instruction in an academic year, which runs from July 1, of a given year through June 30, of the following year. • Parents must keep track of their child’s attendance. • Provide an equivalent education. • Instruction must be done in the English language. Testing State law does not require ISTEP, or any other testing, for children in homeschools. The Department of Education recommends periodic, standardized achievement testing for homeschooled children. If you wish, parents will enjoy a streamlined process, with year-round testing, testing results in 10 days, no shipping costs, and a provided test administrator:


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