Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
13. Are you aware when your actions affect others? _____ 14. Are you comfortable in new or unusual situations? _____ 15. Are you aware that communication styles differ across cultures? _____
Your total: ________
If you scored between 60-75 : You indicate personal cross-cultural experience or an openness to cross-cultural ideas and situations. Build on those strengths. If you speak two languages, learn a third. Study world affairs. Attend multicultural events and presentations. Take your cross-cultural potential to even greater heights. If you scored between 45-59 : You indicate an interest and openness to developing cross-cultural competence, but perhaps a lack of direction or effort. Make a detailed plan for pursuing the development of your cross-cultural skills. Select five things from the list below that you can do right away, such as enrolling in a language class or learning about the history and current events of a target country. Make learning these skills a priority if you have plans to work overseas in the future. If you scored between 44-15 : Even if you have no plans of pursuing a career overseas, the U.S. is a very multicultural place. Undoubtedly your future workplace will include people of many cultures and backgrounds. Your cross-cultural skills can help improve the workplace environment and workers’ productivity. Select a few activities from the list below and make an effort to improve your 3Cs. There are many things you can do to improve your 3Cs. Read the list below and check the box if the idea appeals to you. Then provide specific information as to how you plan to get it done! Join a multicultural club or language club at your school or in your community. If you live near a university, check out programs and presentations that are open to the public. They frequently have all sorts of interesting lectures and performances from overseas speakers and artists. Earn service hours by volunteering in a community program that serves the needs of multicultural members of your community. Check your school community service board or contact local faith-based organizations. Local libraries often have volunteer programs for teaching English to newcomers. Take classes to learn the language of the country you want to work in. You may not become fluent in a local class, but having basic skills goes a long way toward improving your language acquisition skills when you arrive in your target country. Download an international news app on to your mobile device. Check it once a day. Know what’s going on in the world! There are many excellent international news apps: BBC News, AP Mobile, Al Jazeera English. PRODUCT PREVIEW
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