PARK UPDATES This fall and winter, our parks and facilities crews have been hard at work upgrading various areas across the city. Maintaining our parks, greenspaces, and buildings involves both scheduled and unexpected projects, keeping our staff on the go. Here are some of the projects they’ve completed this fall and winter:
• The Facilities Team added three new staff members. Jeff Hilvers as the Facilities Supervisor, Brett DeVilbiss as the Facilities Crew Leader, and Ron Wilson as Part-Time Facilities Maintenance. Welcome to the team!
• The Parks Team added three new Part-Time Parks Maintenance. Abby Derham, Cesar Eduardo Capestanyro- driguez, and Levi Farster. Welcome to the team!
Community Park
This fall and early winter, parks staff installed new fencing around the resurfaced basketball and pickleball courts in Community Park. Striping for the courts will be completed in the spring. The new fencing will help keep stray basketballs and pickleballs from running across the park and assist in safety during play. Trees have been replaced around the Market Square Building downtown. The trees previously around the building were in bad health and were replaced with maple trees. The Armstrong Gold Maple Trees boast a narrow growth habit, making them the perfect choice for streetscapes while offering ample shade for years to come. Staff have also replaced the shade structure in Runyeon Park. This new shade structure provides a safe gathering space for the community to enjoy new picnic tables, including one designed for use with wheelchairs, and trash cans were also installed with the shade structure. New 1913 engraved stone flood level signs have been installed around the downtown area. This project was created with help from a Miamisburg citizen, Emmett Krueger, who designed the signs himself and brough them to city council. Thank you insert name here for helping to keep Miamisburg beautiful! A new adult changing station has been installed in the restroom at Riverfront Park. This is the first of it’s kind in any Miamisburg Park and was purchased and installed with the help of Montgomery County Board of Developmental Disabilities Services. This table will allow more of our community to use our parks and explore the downtown area. Downtown has been transformed for the holidays! New snowflake lights have been installed along light poles through the downtown area and Main Street. Riverfront Park has also been decorated in holiday lights for the first time.
Runyeon Park
Riverfront Park
Adult Changing Station Table
The Ginkgo Stage has been decorated thanks to Rustic Rental for holiday photo opportunities. Go down to the park and take your family pictures through the month of December!
The Ginkgo Stage at Riverfront Park
Kevin McKinney Parks & Facilities Superintendent
Aaron Stonecash Parks Supervisor
Jeff Hilvers Facilities Supervisor
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