The King's Awards Magazine 2023


November 1965 The Queen’s Award to Industry – which later became known as The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise and has now been renamed The King’s Awards for Enterprise – are launched. This follows an invite to the Duke of Edinburgh by the Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, to chair a committee to work out the details of a proposed scheme to award recognition to industrial companies. The aim of the Award is to recognise outstanding achievement by industry either in increasing exports or in technological innovation. 1965 1977

June 2022 HM Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her Platinum Jubilee, marking a remarkable 70 years on the throne with a four-day celebration across the UK.

June 2012 The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee is celebrated across the world.

April 2016 The Queen celebrates her 90th birthday.

2012 2015 2016


September 2015 The Queen officially becomes the longest-reigning monarch, surpassing the reign of her great grandmother Queen Victoria having passed the milestone of 23,226 days and 16 hours.

June 1977 The Queen’s Silver Jubilee, which marks 25 years on the throne, is celebrated with Commonwealth visits and Jubilee Day, a public holiday, on June 7.

September 2022 The Queen dies peacefully at Balmoral at the age of 96. Her son, Charles, becomes King.

King’s Awards Magazine 2023


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