King's Business - 1960-10

THROUGH TH E BIBLE DAY - BY - DAY by F. B. Meyer A devotional commentary series for those who are "too busy" for exhaustive study of the Scriptures. A series of brief, pointed comments guides the reader through the Bible in a few minutes each day. 7 compact volumes over 1500 pages each 4Va x 6% $1.25 a vol. Complete set, boxed, $8.00 Order from your bookstore or AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION Dept. KTB-60 CHRISTIAN PSYCHOLOGY It is a pleasure to announce a l o n g overdue ministry: Christ- centered litera­ ture in the field of psychology. For one y e a r you will receive each month (1) A small month- I y m ag a zin e p a c k e d with helpful articles on Christian Psychology, and (2) A valu­ able booklet. Booklets: Self-Confidence. How to Handle Fear, Your Courtship and Marriage, Christian View of Birth Control, Adopted Children, Children With Serious Problems, Why a Psychologist Believes the Bible, Married to an Unbeliever, Tech­ niques of Counseling, How to Save Time, Techniques of Teaching, others. A gift of ten dollars toward Dr. Narra- more's national radio and Christian Liter­ ature Ministry, will make you a member, receiving these materials EACH MONTH for a year. Valuable for daily living, writ­ ing, speaking and counseling. Receipt for tax purposes will be sent immediately. This is a non-profit, Christian corporation. (Dr. Narramore, graduate of Columbia Univ., is a credentialed psychologist.) USE THIS ORDER BLANK To: Dr. Clyde M. Narramore, Counsulting Psychologist, Box 206, Pasadena, Calif. Dept. KB $10.00 enclosed for membership .............. $5.00 end. today, $5.00 next month......... NAME: ............................................... ............... ADDRESS: ........................................................... 1816 Chestnut St. Philadelphia 3, Pa.

Phil Kerr with friends at an airport gathering. From left to right: Paul M yers (First Mate Bob), Redd Harper and Phil. .A . O L io ie e S e r

with the way in which the talented preacher-musician c o u l d compose choruses “ on the spot.” His more fa­ miliar hymns and gospel songs, how­ ever, were generally bom out of times of deepest personal trials and testings. One of his first songs, written 34 years ago, is “ I’m in Love with the Lover of My Soul.” Other well known fa­ vorites are: “ Over in Glory,” “ The Touch of His Hand on Mine,” “ I’m His to Command,” “ Melody Divine,” along with at least 3,000 others. For the past 15 years, Phil Kerr originated and carried on the popular Southern California Monday Night Musicals. With the exception of a brief period of illness several years ago, they went on continuously through the years often attracting ca­ pacity crowds of 3,000 people at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium. To list the many musicians who have ap­ peared on the programs would be to compose a veritable “Who’s Who” of well known Christian musicians, ar­ tists and leaders. Phil’s special “ hobby,” as his wife Iris puts it, was to help newly saved musicians find a place in life and in service for Christ. Visiting homes of hymn writers, col­ lecting interesting information about them, and writing the inspiring little known facts for others to share, also occupied his time. He has authored several books, recorded a number of albums, appeared from time to time

“ T \ /!T R- G o spel M u sic ” has gone -LvJL home to be with the Lord. On August 31, Rev. Phil Kerr, who had been confined to a bed most of this year, was promoted to heaven. The next day, September 1, he cele­ brated his 54th birthday in the pres­ ence of the Lord Jesus Christ. The funeral services were held in the packed auditorium of the First Presbyterian Church of Glendale, Cal­ ifornia, with Christian leaders, musi­ cians, artists, and 1400 of his many thousands of friends in attendance. His beloved companion through 32 years of married life, Iris, resides in the small duplex in which they had lived for more than the past decade. The name of Phil Kerr immediately brings to mind a face that seemed al­ ways to radiate the joy of the Lord. Despite the fact that ill health had plagued him for many of the 34 years he had been in the ministry, Phil al­ ways gave of his time and of his life sacrificially. His prayer was that God would bless his simple and sincere testimony for His own glory. Phil is only now beginning to realize fully the many souls that were led to Christ through meetings he conducted in churches and other meetings. He trav­ elled coast-to-coast on more than 100 different occasions visiting every state in the union (the 50 as they are known today) as well as Canada, Mex­ ico, and Cuba. Audiences were always delighted



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