King's Business - 1960-10

by James O. Henry Chairman, History Department, Biola Collega

world newsgrams

Phenols Isolated In Cigarette Smoke

printed in four volumes, one for each season of the year. This will be the third such condensation this century. Instead of the forty-five to sixty minutes a priest must now spend each day reciting from the breviary, the time will be cut to thirty minutes or less under the revised version, the organization said. The purpose of the reduction, according to the report, is to provide more time for other duties of the 50,000 Catholic priests in this country and the 350,000 priests else­ where in the world. China Accused of Tibet Genocide An international Committee meet­ ing in New Delhi, India, recently accused Communist China of a “ defi­ nite design for exterminating the Tibetan personality and individual­ ity.” The committee said it was satis­ fied that genocide had been commit­ ted in “ all varieties and forms.” It recommended that the matter be taken up with the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. The group headed by Dr. Tokumei Matsu- moto, a Japanese educator, met in India as a part of the Afro-Asian Con­ vention on Tibet and Against Colo­ nialism in Asia and Africa. The Con­ vention was attended by eighty-nine delegates from nineteen countries and colonies. A p o l i t i c a l committee, headed by Dr. Mohammad Roem of Indonesia, agreed that Communist China had been guilty of aggression in Tibet. It said the Tibetans had agreed, under duress, to Chinese suzerainty, and it demanded that the Tibetans be given the right to self- determination. Taiwan Churches Growing Rapidly In the eastern Taiwan region of narrow valleys and preciptous moun­ tains, a servicable small church of wood and plaited bamboo can be built for $200. According to a recent report, Gospel centers of this type and churches of brick or stone are going up almost monthly as the number of Christian converts increases with striking rapidity. Almost every village has at least one church, sometimes two; one Roman Catholic, one Prot­ estant. The turn to Christianity is evident all over Taiwan (Formosa), but is more pronounced on the east coast because the island’s tribal non- chinese population is concentrated there.

1. Spring Bible Lands Cruise—March 2. Summer Bible Lands Cruise—June 3. Europe and Scandinavia—July 4. South America—July

Compounds known to be capable of promoting the growth of tumors have been isolated from cigarette smoke by two researchers in London, England, recently. The compounds isolated be­ long to the phenol family. Their pres­ ence in cigarettes was reported in the British journal, Nature, by W. Car- ruthers and R. A. W. Johnstone of the Washington Singer Laboratories, Uni­ versity of Exeter. The two researchers isolated phenol compounds from Bri­ tish cigarettes. Some of the phenols have recently been identified in Japanese cigarettes, while still others have been found in Argentinian cigar­ ettes, they pointed out. The research­ ers suggested that a portion of the phenols found in the smoke resulted from the burning of the tobacco. Communist China’s Catholic organi­ zation has appointed a replacement for the jailed Bishop of Shanghai without having consulted the Vatican. The “ Patriotic Catholic Association,” which supports the Communist re­ gime has named the Rev. Chang Chia Shu to replace Bishop Kung Ping-mei, according to an association of officials. Bishop Kung was jailed for life on treason charges last March. At the same time, Maryknoll Bishop James Walsh of the United States was sen­ tenced to twenty years for espionage. The official said the appointment of Father Chang would not be submitted to the Vatican for approval. “We do not take orders from the Vatican for approval. We do not take orders from the Vatican because they act under American pressure,” he said. Father Chang’s appointment was approved at the first session of the newly organ­ ized Shanghai branch of the associa­ tion. It has branches in Pieping, Tien­ tsin, and other major Chinese cities. Priest's Prayers May Be Reduced The prayers Roman Catholic priests are required to say each day outside the daily mass will be cut in about half soon the National Catholic Wel­ fare Conference reported recently. The organization said unofficial but reliable reports from the Vatican indi­ cated that the new breviary, or book of prayers, would be condensed to two volumes. At present it is usually Red Chinese Name Bishop of Shanghai

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