King's Business - 1960-10

BOOKENDS (cont.) CROSS WITHOUT VELVET by Geoffrey C. Bingham. 96 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chi­ cago; $2.00. A missionary in West Pakistan goes to the root of this matter and brings the concept back to its original meaning. BRIGADE BOYS AND THE PHANTOM RADIO by Bernard Palmer. 64 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago; 60c. Christian adventure story for boys. A GLIMPSE OF WORLD MISSIONS by Clyde W. Taylor. 128 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago; $1.50. This introduction to missions is packed with current significant material as well as spiritual challenge. Each section of the world is surveyed with special attention to the religious distribution of population. STUMBLING BLOCK by Douglas Jackson. 128 pages; paper; Abingdon Press, Nashville; 75c. Sub-title: "A Study of Alcohol and Christian Responsibility." The view of The Methodist Church, which is still that abstinence is the best solution to the problem, although the Church does not refuse to associate with those who profess to be Christians and yet drink wine and beer regularly. CONSISTENT CHRISTIANITY by M. C. Griffiths. 126 pages; paper; Inter-Varsity Press, Chicago; $1.25. Some basic questions of the Christian life are deolt with here in a stroight forward manner. YOUR NEXT BIG STEP by G. Kearnie Keegan. 64 pages; cloth; Broadman Press, Nashville; $ 1.25. Counsel for those about to graduate from High School. THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT by F. B. Meyer. 191 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grond Rapids; $2.50. Formerly issued as The Directory of the Devout Life in 1904. MOCCASIN STEPS by Florence E. Beausay. 115 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $2.00. Story of a boy who hos cap­ tured and adopted by an Indian tribe. Through many adventures God wos with him, and final­ ly he was able to bring a witness to his new people. SOUTH AMERICAN ROMANCE by Mary Mc- Combe Orr. 150 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publish­ ing House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. Fascinating novel of Argentina. The chief characters are natives, and superstition and the true gospel of the missionaries come into conflict. THE CITIES OF ST. PAUL by William M. Ram­ say. xv, 452 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grond Rapids; $2.79. Reissue of on important work on New Testoment background. ST. PAUL THE TRAVELLER AND THE ROMAN CITIZEN by William M. Ramsay, xxviii, 402 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $2.59. Reprint of another significant guidebook to the Acts of the Apostles. MEMOIRS OF McCHEYNE by Andrew Bonar. 2 vols.; paper; Moody Press, (Chicago; no price given. Handy reading or gift edition of the old spiritual classic. GOD'S WILL MADE CLEAR by Mrs. Paul Fried- erichsen. 251 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago; no price given. A fter reviewing thoroughly sol- votion itself, the author discusses the living of the Christian life in the mojor areas where it needs to be developed. Graphic drawings illustrate the truths set forth. WHY DID CHRIST DIE? THE GREATEST THEME IN THE WORLD by F. E. Marsh. 199 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids; $2.95. Rich studies in one of the most edifying areas of Christian truth. THE PILOT SERIES IN LITERATURE, Book Two, by Gertrude Haan, Alice Fenenga, and Beth Merizon. xv, 560 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerd- mans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids; $5.50. The first book of this series of three was published in 1957. These are literary readers for the junior high school division of the Christian day schools and are prepared under the direction of the National Union of Christian Day Schools. This volume is divided into ten units and covers as many fields of writing with ten to a dozen selec­ tions in each. Biographical sketches, questions, and vocabulary aids are included. Recommended books are available from the Biota Book Rooms, 560 South Hope Street , Los Angeles; 121 W est W ilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs w ill be sent upon request . •

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