King's Business - 1960-10



C i j r t s i tm a s P R O G R A M H A N D B O O K S

Rev. Ian Thomas, leader of the British y o u t h and missionary movement known as The Torchbearers, was spe­ cial speaker this past month at the deeper life conference for mission­ aries in Karuizawa, Japan. Evangelical Literature Overseas announces October 9th as World Lit­ erature Sunday around the globe (See poster announcement a n d special

Dr. Bob Jones, Jr., president of Bob Jones University, reports that the radio voice of the organization, WMUU, has received approval for FM program tests of their new sta­ tion. The AM-FM operation will be broadcasting stereophonic programs in the near future. Three of the University’s programs are recorded for distribution to 130 other radio stations in the United States and eight foreign countries. Dr. Mark Fakkema has become gen­ eral manager of Christian Schools Service, Inc. The purpose of the or­ ganization is to perform service for Christian p r i v a t e and parochial schools. Main offices are located in Chicago. Mr. Lorin Whitney, well known gos­ pel recording artist, hosted a group of Western Christian radio station managers when the group met re­ cently in the Southland. Shown in the Glendale studios from left to right are: Bob Ball, KGDN, Seattle; Herb Wells, REAR, San Francisco; Arvid Erickson, KGVW, Belgrade, Mon­ tana; Whitney; Vern Cobbett, KCFA, Spokane; Dick Palmquist, REAR, San Francisco; Carl Auel (hidden), KEBR, S a c r a m e n t o . Also attending the


Each of these handy vol­ umes contains new and original skits, rea d in g s, p o em s, p l a y l e t s and dramas. Sunday schools and other church groups will welcome these pro­ gram helps, complete with easy-to-follow instructions and offering material for all ages, including adults. Size of e a c h b o o k , 32 Pages. Paper, each 35c ORDER FROM YOUR BOOKSELLER OR ZONDERVAN PUBLISHING HOUSE ORANO RAPIDS 6, MICHIGAN God May Be Calling You Through This Ad Urgently needed for service in Pakistan and India:— Doctors, Medical Technologists, Nurses, Teachers and for service in Yokohama, Japan:— High School, Bible School Teachers under one of the country's oldest in­ terdenominational missionary societies, reaching women and girls for Christ. Immediate openings. Write to: WOMAN'S UNION MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF AMERICA 156 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, N.Y.

article on page 48). Missionaries are becoming more and more aware of the need for giving the peoples of every land the gospel message printed in their own language. Rev. Joseph Zacchello, ex-priest and editor of THE CONVERT has had three books published on the subject of Catholicism by Loizeaux Brothers, New York. “ Ins and Outs of Roman­ ism,” “ Secrets of Romanism,” and “ The Two BabyIons” are being given wide circulation because of current political issues. Dr. Arthur P. Whitney has been ap­ pointed executive secretary for na­ tional distribution by the American Bible Society. Last year ABS distrib­ uted more than ten million portions of the Scriptures within the borders of our country. Mr. Franklin Cabezas, president of DIA (Difusiones InterAmericanas), reported from the board’s recent meet­ ing in Costa Rica, that the Latin America Mission will contruct a new building, a floor of which will be used for the organization’s promotion of evangelical programs throughout the Americas. Stations represented were TTFC, HCJB, HOXO, a n d YNOL.

A new exposition o f the entire Bible

meeting but not present for the pic­ ture were Jean Carpenter, KHOF, Los Angeles; Ed Steele, KBBI, Los Angeles. Mr. Stuart Barton Babbage, Anglican dean of Melbourne and Prof. Ian Siggins, member of the faculty of Ridley College in Melbourne, have just had published “ Light Beneath the Cross,” the story of Billy Gra­ ham’s recent crusade in Australia and New Zealand. Doubleday and Company published the volume. Dr. Oswald J. Smith, founder and missionary pastor of the Peoples Church, Toronto, Canada, has reported an offering of $314,000.00 at the or­ ganization’s recent annual missionary conference.


C on su lting E d ito r, C a rl F . H . H e n ry Clear, concise, contemporary, writ­ ten by 65 internationally known Christian scholars. For every min­ ister—student— teacher. Vol. 1— Genesis to Esther Vol. 2— Job to Malachi Vol. 3— Matthew to Revelation Each, $6.95; 3 volume set. $19.95 A t your book store Published by A . J. H O LM A N C O ., Philadelphia



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