Heartist 2022 Book

What is dialogue? Dialogue is the art of thinking together. It is a special form of communication that goes beyond ordinary conversation. At the heart of dialogue is a simple but profound capacity to listen. In dialogue, we find our capacity to listen together as part of our shared experience. An experience of true connection to what really matters. A feeling, and a power, that is all about we before me. Dialogue is not a debate because nobody is trying to win. There is a different sort of spirit to it. In a dialogue, there is no attempt to gain points, or to make your particular view prevail. Rather, whenever any mistake is discovered on the part of anybody, everybody gains. We can think AND, not OR. Some easy ways to bring more of a dialogue focus to your conversations is to ask the following questions; S THE ACT OF connection starts with dialogue.


Rudeness, like the common cold, is easily contracted, highly contagious and exposure to it can have long-lasting effects. Anyone can be a carrier. And when we’re around rudeness, science tells us that we start seeing rudeness everywhere, even when it’s not there. We are more likely to misinterpret others behaviours as hostile, see their facial expressions as hostile, and see their body language as confrontational. And then we exact revenge on these imagined slights, telling ourselves they deserved it. We can go from instigator to chief investigator, judge and finally, hitman in a few seconds.

Tell me more about that?

What else is important to you?

And what else?

I bring the power to think "and" rather than "or".

Dialogue questions take more time, but research shows that when we really listen and work out what's really going on, we save so much time in not having to fix mistakes that come from misunderstandings. Dialogue is like an investment in our shared future. Dialogue isn't a competition to be the smartest or the most correct person in the room - it is a collaboration to find the truth. ç


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