Heartist 2022 Book

It is our ability to consciously choose our emotions, our thoughts, what we focus on and what we do, in the presence of temptation. - SELF CONTROL COOL KEY TERMS.

It means being fully committed. You’re no longer weighing the pros and cons of your goals. Instead you’re figuring out how to make them a reality. - 'ALL IN'

Being prosocial is simply about doing things that benefit others, without expectation of a reward. Wanting to pitch in and help others, whether it is helping guests, or supporting colleagues, both within teams and across teams. Being prosocial is contagious – when you do it, it inspires other Heartists too. PROSOCIALITY Heartists are problem-solvers. Problem-solving takes a combination of passion and perseverance which keeps us going through all sorts of obstacles until the problem we have tackled is actually solved. - PROBLEM SOLVERS This is the rush of feel good ‘endorphins’ or hormones released in our brains, that we get when we genuinely and selflessly help others. HELPER'S HIGH Feedback is how we learn and grow. Without feedback, both about what we do well, and not so well, we simply can’t get better. Feedback can come from both deliberate self-reflection and also from curiously asking others, ‘how could I have done this even better, in your view?”. F EEDBACK



Perfectionism is an unhelpful but common trait where we strive relentlessly for flawlessness, set unreachably high but very subjective standards (‘my’ standards not ours) and then harshly critique ourselves and others for failing to achieve them. Perfectionists believe perfect is the only acceptable result. Being a perfectionist is the opposite to being a Heartist.

It is a personality trait that we can all grow. It is our tendency to sustain passion for and effort towards our long-term goals. It is perseverance with purpose. GRIT It is a personality trait that we can all grow. It is our tendency to sustain passion for and effort towards our long-term goals. It is perseverance with purpose. - SELF TALK Right-fighting is a mindset of doing whatever it takes to prove you are right. Right-fighters will sacrifice human connection, and often their relationships, while they argue the point until the other person agrees with them. It is the opposite of Heartistry.


It is the art of thinking together with another person. It starts with deeply listening, like we heard about in Principle Three, but it adds a focus on 'we' before 'me' and a deep desire to reach a shared understanding, versus desire to win a debate.


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