Heartist 2022 Book


Be True to You, Always. You always always reap what you sow. There is no shortcut. In human behaviour, in our relationships, in our work, the best outcomes come from the persistent discipline of being true to our values, our ethics and our needs. No Fake Yous. In our workplaces, or back in school, we may have been able to get by if we learned to manipulate the rules, to ‘play the game’ and to create favourable impressions by pretending to be interested in other people. Quick techniques of learning a few phrases, throwing out a robotic smile, a witty comment or making someone laugh, can work in the short term. But eventually, if there isn’t deep integrity and character strength behind what you’re doing and saying, the challenges THE CONSEQUENCES OF MY CHOICES ARE MY RESPONSIBILITY. THE DISCIPLINE OF BEING honest with ourselves.

Being the real deal is about pursuit of primary greatness. It is about the hard work in building our character. Things like integrity, humility, compassion, courage, patience, truth and service. So we start with being deeply, uncomfortably honest with ourselves. Being the real deal means starting with our truths.

of your day, your week and your life, will always cause your true motives to surface. And when this happens it tends to be our human relationships, our connections, that suffer. Find Your Greatness. Dr. Stephen Covey (author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) talks about primary greatness (or our true character strengths) versus secondary greatness. Secondary greatness is the pursuit of recognition for ourselves – being seen to be something, rather than truly becoming it. It is an immensely attractive shortcut, but it is deeply flawed and paved with disconnection from ourselves and from others.


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