Heartist 2022 Book




Mental health is our emotional, psychological and social well-being and impacts our ability to cope with normal life stressors, work productively and contribute to our communities. MENTAL HEALTH Toxic Positivity is expecting everyone to always be upbeat, no matter what is going on in their days and lives. Being the real deal is not about toxic positivity. TOXIC POSITIVITY Trust-builders go out of their way to give trust and to be worthy of trust. They actively develop their reliability, credibility, and their warmth. They feel personally accountable for being the real deal. TRUST-BUILDERS

This is the opposite of human connection. It is fuelled by fear. A fear grounded in believing that we are not good enough, or not lovable enough. Heartists are enough just as they are – remember, that’s why we chose you.

Most of us have many strings to our bow - we are not defined by our job titles. Slashies find joy in their days by bringing all their talents to life in diverse ways such as chef/cyclist or concierge/student or manager/cellist. SLASHIE Our purpose is our why. It is what drives us to do what we do. It is not what we do, or how we do it, it is why we do it. It is what gives meaning to our lives. Our purpose at Accor is to Create Welcoming Places and Memorable Experiences. What’s yours? PURPOSE It is the belief that we will never be punished or humiliated in any way for speaking up with our ideas, questions, concerns or mistakes. It creates a workplace where all Heartists feel safe to learn, grow - and be creative!


These are our deepest character strengths – such as integrity, respect or compassion. The stronger these are in ourselves, the more moral courage we have. Primary Greatness is never superficial or fake, it is deep within us and comes to life in the way we live our values. We feel good when we use our Primary Greatnesses.


These are skills that we have developed so we can fit in, look good, or seem professional. To look the part. To sound like a good friend. To appear to be a Heartist. But they are not real, they are an act. Finding our real character, our Primary Greatness, is the answer to being the Real Deal as a Heartist.


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