Heartist 2022 Book

A whole world of stories. HEARTIST WELCOMES

The world’s top symphony orchestras used to be mostly white males. In 1970, 94% of the musicians in the world’s top five highest ranked orchestras were men. Then someone noticed this anomaly – are there really so few quality female musicians? Blind auditions, using a screen to conceal candidates from the interview jury were introduced. By 1993, the percentage of female musicians had grown from 6% to 21%. Harvard Kennedy School, “Orchestrating Impartiality: the Impact of Blind Auditions on Female Musicians, Goldin & Rouse, 2000. REDUCING BIAS STARTS WITH RECOGNISING IT NOT DENYING IT. FACT 15

Did you know that to get as many job interviews as a Caucasian applicant, an Indigenous Australian must submit 35% more applications, a Chinese person 68% more, an Italian person 12% more, and a Middle Eastern person 64% more applications. But at Accor we see whole stories and whole people. There is never an excuse to make any person ever feel not valued because of their story. Because we are Heartists who build connections with all humans and who go out of our way to make sure everyone feels included and valued. vvoth, A. L., Leigh, A., & Varganova, E. (2012). Does ethnic discrimination vary across minority groups? Evidence from a field experiment. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 74(4), 547-573. DID YOU KNOW? Australians and New Zealanders want to believe we are not racist countries, but one in three people have experienced racism in the workplace and over half of all migrants from diverse backgrounds have experienced racism in their lives. Oh yes, racism happens here. It happens in the little things. The phrases we accept, the jokes we allow, the choices we make. It is our stories that make us human. But when we judge others on one aspect of their story, we lose what makes them human. When people are judged on their ethnicity, their appearance, their culture, we lose our humanity.


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