Heartist 2022 Book

My purpose has long been to connect people with their potential. Which is one of the reasons I love HEARTIST. HEARTIST helps me, help our whole Accor team, connect with their potential. To find their why. WELCOME TO Heartist. HEARTIST HELPS US ALL REACH OUR HIGHEST POTENTIAL.

education, or life experiences, HEARTIST puts us all on a level playing field. It is the ultimate leveller – because being a brilliant HEARTIST is about who you are, how you make others feel, and where you’re going.

Heartist is who we are at Accor. It is how we live our purpose. Our purpose, the reason we exist, is our why. Our purpose sits above and beyond our day-to-day, or even our year-to-year goals. Our purpose is to create welcoming places and memorable experiences . This is our why. Having a why is hugely powerful for humans, for teams and for whole organisations. When we have a sense of purpose, of deep meaning, we feel more able to cope with all the challenges of our days. We feel more motivated, more focused and more centred around pursuing what really matters to us. A why makes our days, and our lives, meaningful. Perhaps the richest source of meaning in our lives, comes from memorable experiences - our memories. From our memories of family, of friends, of special moments, of difficulties overcome, of lessons learned, of joys shared, and of days brightened, often in the smallest of ways. These are what make our lives feel meaningful. My hope for HEARTIST is that it helps all of us create, and store away, more memories like these. Because HEARTIST is how, together, we will create welcoming places and memorable experiences. Succeeding at Accor is as simple, and as complex, as living our four principles. When you let the principles of HEARTIST guide your decisions, actions and behaviours, you set yourself up for the most extraordinary success. No matter your background, I believe we all have a responsibility to contribute our unique strengths and potential to the world.

Heartist is about all of us, as much as it is about our guests.

We create belonging for our team members, across teams, not just within teams. We never compete with other HEARTIST teams, or team members. We are collective, collaborative and compassionate with ourselves and others. As you explore this book, and experience our HEARTIST culture, take time to reflect on what is most powerful for you. Which of your strengths do you need to bring more alive? What is your purpose and what gives you a sense of meaning? At Accor we contribute to our teams, our guests, our owners, our communities, and ourselves. And it is HEARTIST that helps us do this – in both our professional, and personal lives. HEARTIST helps us step out of our comfort zones and into our courage zones. It helps us be real with ourselves, and others, while still being kind and building connection. Courage is one of my strongest values and across my whole life I can see that the best opportunities have come when I have understood my fears, but still moved forward. Because of course, so often, the fears are only our imaginations holding us back. So my ask of you, is to boldly step up and move forward into your courage zones. And I hope HEARTIST inspires even the quietest of voices to speak up, and the loudest of us, to listen, so together we can break down even more barriers. Thank you for all you do. HEARTIST BY ACCOR | 7

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