Heartist 2022 Book

Compassion is not feeling sorry for someone. It is seeing a need and doing something about it. It is empathy in action. ACTIVE COMPASSION COOL KEY TERMS.

IN SUMMARY EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY MEANS. We need to be... Deeply listening to both the spoken and unspoken cues that tell us the full story of our guests, our people and our partners. Valuing and appreciating people’s strengths, differences and unique contributions. Actively spotting ways to bring a touch of unexpected joy to our guests days. We need not to be... Making assumptions or excluding people who are different to ourselves. Asking robotic or superficial questions that avoid human connection. Failing to know the Accor story and the stories of our brands, your property and our communities. Communicating with everyone identically regardless of their story, strengths and contribution.


Heartists spot a story from 20 paces. They see that something is up without being asked. They know there is meaning behind our words and expressions and they step up with courage and fascination. They want to know the full story - not just the bits that make us feel good.


When we bring the Art of Human Connection to life in memorable and meaningful ways, we create Heartist Moments. HEARTIST MOMENTS today?’. No grand gestures, just the small thoughtful kindnesses that we can all do more of, such as listening with our full undistracted attention. Heartists turn up every day thinking, ‘how can I brighten others’ day


Being mindful is the opposite to mindless. It is awareness that comes from paying attention to the present moment, without judgement. MINDFULNESS The thoughtful magic dust that moves moments from ho-hum to memorable. NOVELTY Our brains are not fixed in childhood, they are ‘plastic’ and change throughout our lives - and we can influence how that happens. The more we strengthen our brain’s synapses, or connections, by trying new things or new experiences, the more we can learn, grow and even heal.


Our character strengths are positive parts of your personality that influence how you feel, think and act. CHARACTER STRENGTHS Heart starters are little energising ideas that bring Heartistry to life. Heart Starters get our heart racing. They excite us and make us feel special because they are thoughtful and novel.


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