The 21st Century Student's Guide to College SW

College… What’s In It For You?


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Hmmm... Why go to college?

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Do you like money? When you are an adult, will you prefer an interesting career over a dead end job? Do you prefer a comfortable lifestyle? Do you like friends, fun, and adventure? Do you prefer a life of stability over instability? Do you love America? Do you value self-improvement?

Learning Goals

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, read on...

When you ! nish this chapter you should be able to: De ! ne three college path vocabulary terms. List 6 bene ! ts of a college education.

Do you know that the quality of your life as an adult is directly linked to the education you get after high school? It’s true. These days, anyone who likes money, a comfortable lifestyle, opportunity for career advancement, job security, and all that other good stuff, needs more than a high school education. The bene ! ts of a college education extend beyond economics. There are plenty of social bene ! ts, including fun, adventure, lifelong friends, intellectual growth, and even a stronger nation. Come on, get on the path to college!

Summarize the economic and social bene ! ts of a college education.


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