CuraLink Newsletter (NFL Alumni Health and Cura Foundation)

About NFL Alumni Health

The NFL Alumni Association ( NFL Alumni ) was founded in 1967 and is the oldest and most recognizable national organization of retired professional athletes. NFL Alumni consists of former NFL players, coaches, executives, spouses, cheerleaders, and associate members. To support the NFL Alumni triple mission of “ Caring for our Own, ” “ Caring for Kids, ” and “ Caring for Our Community, ” NFL Alumni Health is improving the health and wellness of NFL Alumni members, as well as the public at large. NFL Alumni Health is a wholly-owned subsidiary of NFL Alumni offering informational resources, programs, services, and other offerings for NFL Alumni members and the general public. Learn more at

About Cura Foundation

The Cura Foundation ( Cura ) is a nonsectarian, nonpartisan, public U.S.-based 501 ( c )( 3 ) organization dedicated to improving human health and wellbeing and increasing quality of life, globally.

Cura ’ s mission is to promote health equity and improve the health and wellbeing of all. Cura encourages holistic approaches to health, examining the whole person and their mind, body and soul. We promote earlier interventions and focus on prevention, elimination of social disparities in health and enhancing access to care so no one is left behind. Cura has created and grown its own global network of scientists, physicians, medical specialists, leaders of faith, academic institutions, patient advocates, philanthropists and industry personnel that tackle the most pressing issues in health. We utilize a cross-disciplinary approach to prevent and vanquish disease by building bridges, fostering collaboration and embracing people of all faiths, cultures and nationalities without prejudice. We achieve our goals by creating partnerships, campaigns, events and touchpoints that break down silos, educate, foster collaboration and encourage innovation while keeping the patients in mind.

At Cura, we #UniteToPrevent and #UniteToCure. Learn more at

Join Us Become an Advocate

Donate Make a Contribution

Get in Touch Contact Us NFL Alumni Health The Cura Foundation PO Box 5298, New York, New York 10185 (212) 584 4176

NFL Alumni Health

If you would like to help further our mission, we ask that you think of the Cura Foundation as you invest your time, energy and dollars.


NFL Alumni Health


Cura Foundation


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The Cura Foundation

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact: Newsletter created by health and science reporter and consulting producer for the Cura Foundation, Ali Pattillo, consulting editor, Catherine Tone and associate director at the Cura Foundation, Svetlana Izrailova .


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