King's Business - 1950-07

for sin, is the way to get peace and stability. David Brainerd, that great missionary to the American Indians said, “ Oh how blessed a thing it is to enjoy peace of conscience!” God’s child has the solution for the present world con­ fusion. It is an outgrowth of the “madness” in men’s hearts. “ The heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live” (Eccl. 9 :3 ). Said our Lord of the world in which we live, “ I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil” (John 7 :7 ). The placing of this building block safeguards us against believing the ambitious claims of world dreamers who are trying to sew “ a piece of new cloth on an old gar­ ment.” A glance at the patient will show that the doctors of the world’s ills have not treated the real sickness, they have prescribed for symptoms only. Sin, the deathly can­ cer, has been left untouched. Another building block in the structure of Christian poise is the knowledge that ignorance is a part of all human problems. Under the best of conditions, we are apt to err in judgment. We cannot expect to know just what to do under all circumstances. But we can do the greatest thing: we can love others with the love of Christ, Doing this is more important than knowing all the “ ologies.” Spurgeon said he would rather lead one soul to Christ than explain all mysteries. If we keep in mind

that God will judge our opinions as well as our actions, we will find it convenient to make tolerance a part of our creed. Scripture tells us that all things are divinely appointed. No man is going to change this. Neither Sennacherib, Goliath, nor Hitler was able to make good his boasts. There is no new problem, only the old ones dressed up in new garb. Prayer is the Christian’s resource; it can change all problems. This is because God has given His children a part in kingdom affairs, “Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do” (John 14:13). The redeemed child of God can walk poised in a troubled world because he wields the great power of prayer. Being led by the Spirit of God, he will not run amuck like the greedy dictators. “ If ye shall ask anything in my name . . . ” Christian poise is the visible part of the great bulk of God’s truth undergirding the Christian. Thinking God’s thoughts after Him, the elect child of God is in­ wardly fortified to ride out life’s storms. As these thoughts become part of him—as he is motivated by love’s eternal springs—he too can walk among men like the Saviour walked. He will be wonderfully upheld by the undergirding truths of eternity that are ninety percent submerged. But unlike the iceberg with its internal chill, God’s child will be inwardly supported by a glowing warmth that reaches out and attracts others to his Lord.

“ The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork” — Psa. 19:1

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